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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Health of Evin political prisoner on hunger strikers is failing

Iran: Health of Evin political prisoner on hunger strikers is failing

Families of political prisoners protest in TehranThe Iranian Resistance warns about the physical conditions of Evin’s political prisoners who have been transferred to solitary confinement and stresses on an international urgent action to save their lives.

Due to the wounds and injuries, which they suffered as a result of the brutal beatings by the IRGC forces and MOIS agents, and after 10 days of hunger strike, they are in critical condition and the henchmen prevent any medical treatment for these inmates and any news from leaking out.

Death row prisoner Gholam Reza Khosravi Savadjani was severely beaten in the 17 April raid. His glasses were shattered on his face and he suffered facial injuries and intense bleeding. His right ear was cut open and his entire body is bruised.

Javad Fouladvand has suffered injuries to his head, left leg and right eye and suffers from bleeding. His entire body is covered with bruises.

Reza Akbari Monfared has suffered a fractured head and injuries to his hands and legs.

Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand, Kurdish journalist and human rights advocate, has suffered severe injuries including a fractured ribcage and injuries to his head and face. He suffers from heart problems.

Samkou Khelghati, has suffered a fractured arm and his neck has been injured.

Soheil Babadi’s wrist has been injured and his body is severely bruised.

Behnam Ibrahimzadeh, labor activist and blogger; Saeed Matinpour, blogger; Mohammad Amin Hadavi; Behzad Arabgol; and Mohammad Shojai are among the other prisoners that have been transferred to solitary confinement and are in need of medical treatments for the injuries and wounded they suffered and also the hunger strike.

This condition is not limited to the prisoners in solitary confinement; a number of injured and wounded inmates in Ward 350 are in urgent need of treatment and medical care. They are in their second week of hunger strike.

Assadollah Hadi, who recently underwent a heart surgery and was transferred from the hospital to prison, is in critical condition after the raid and transfer to solitary confinement. As a result they have returned him to the general ward, yet despite the dire conditions of this elderly inmate, they withhold from transferring him to a hospital.

Hossein Ronaghi, suffering from various illnesses including kidney infections due to torture, had his hand and head seriously hurt during this attack. His kidney status is deteriorating after the raid and the conditions in solitary confinement, and he is currently suffering from a severe fever. However, authorities only took him to Evin’s clinic and refused to provide the necessary care.

Akbari Amini Armaki has suffered a broken head and his neck vertebrates are also damaged.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on the US, EU, UN and all relevant organizations to take urgent action to have all prisoners returned from solitary confinement and receive urgent care by physicians and hospitals of their choice and accepted by their families.

Mrs. Rajavi also called for an independent investigation on the vicious raid into Evin Prison, regular International Committee of the Red Cross inspections of Iran’s prisons, referring the regime’s human rights violations dossier to the UN Security Council, conditioning political/economic relations with the Iranian regime to stopping all executions and torture, and implementing the UN resolutions on human rights violations in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 26, 2014