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Video: US must protect Camp Liberty, support regime change in Iran, Guiliani demands

NCRI – America must honor its promise to protect the people of Camp Liberty until they can be moved to safety aboard, former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani has demanded.

He also called for regime change in Iran and praised Iranian Resistance leader Maryam Rajavi as the best hope for the country’s future.

And he said the west should refuse to allow the mullahs to have nuclear materials of any kind, as they would ‘lie’ to the international community and use it to make a bomb.

Mr Guiliani told a conference in Paris on April 12: “The people of Camp Ashraf, the people of Camp Liberty, should be given protection. They were promised it way back by the United States in writing and they should be given protection.

Camp Liberty in Iraq houses thousands of members of Iranian opposition the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who have leaved for decades at Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

“America should immediately without any question send air planes to Iraq and bring them to the United States of America. That is the honorable, the decent and the humane solution.

“Today we are here on the second anniversary of the second attack on camp Ashraf. The first one killing 99 people and wounding hundreds. The second, the one I just mentioned, killing 36 people and then a third one in which more people were killed.

“All of this under the promise of protection. It is massacre and killing. It’s not a detention camp, it’s a killing field.

“This should not be in the world with the United States when promises have been made. And why are these promises are being broken?

“They are being broken for the worst of reasons. They are being broken because the UN doesn’t want to offend Maliki and the Iraqi government. We are doing it because we don’t want to offend Iran.

“We want an agreement on ceasing nuclear proliferation in Iran, so we don’t want to offend them. They are supporting genocide in Syria and the United States of America is afraid to offend them. Shame on us.

“The nuclear negotiations are going to be a dreadful mistake. It’s going to give us an Iran that has at least, at the minimum, the peaceful use of nuclear power.

“Why shouldn’t they be allowed to do it for peaceful purposes? Because they are one of the most evil, one of the worst, one of the most unreliable and one the most insane regimes in the world. That’s why. We do not allow insane people to have nuclear weapons.”

And agreement with Iran should firstly state they can not have nuclear material of any kind, and secondly that the country must be opened up to inspection and to transparency over human rights, Mr Guiliani said.

He added: “Political prisoners should be released and certainly in the inner room, they should be allowed to be visited.

“Iran has to cease its involvement in the genocide in Syria. And we should not anywhere renounce the position of United States of America in favor of regime change in Iran.

“Under this ‘moderate’ Rohani, there have been over 700 executions in Iran, public executions, the ones we can count. So regime change, ultimately, is the only goal.

“And when it happens, and it will happen, it will happen because of the leadership of Madame Rajavi. And the new Iran will be built on the spirit of liberty, true liberty, the martyrs of liberty because they will give Iran the impetus, the courage, the intensity and the fortitude to fight off these murdering dictators, and to give to the people of Iran the government they deserve.”