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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceExecutioner Rouhani is no moderate, leading MEP tells Iran conference

Executioner Rouhani is no moderate, leading MEP tells Iran conference

A surge in executions and human rights abuses in Iran expose the lie that President Hassan Rouhani is a moderate, Stephen Hughes, First Vice-President of the Socialists-Democrats group in the European Parliament,  has told a European Parliament conference on Iran.

The Labour MEP also praised the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as the ‘best chance for the Iranian people’ and for the establishment of a democratic and free Iran.

He told the meeting in Brussels on April 9: “Just look at the reality on the ground. We have reports from Amnesty International and UN watch groups of an increase in the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities, the cracking down on opposition political figures, the mistreatment of political prisoners under detention and unfair trials, and of course a surge in capital punishment and public executions.

“Iran is now number one in terms of number of executions per capita surpassing even China. Those executed in 2014 include women, human right activists, political activists and religious and ethnic minorities.”

According UN human rights rapporteur Ahmed Shahid, at least a 176 people were executed in January, February, and early March of this year, with several in public. At least 500 were executed in 2013, 57 of them in public, Mr Hughes said.

He added: “Those executed included 27 women and 2 children. These numbers are only those officially documented. Both two figures that we have heard are probably much higher.

“According to Iran’s Human Right Documentation Center, more than 500 people have been executed since Rouhani has taken office. Add to that the atrocities that they are committing in Syria and Iraq including those cold blooded murders in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty. You really have to ask how on earth Rouhani can be described as moderate.

“But the real problem is the Mullah’s regime. The only way the problem can be solved, the only way the Iranian people can be given hope in the future is to have regime change in Iran.

“I think the reason that we are here today is because we recognize that there is a woman capable to lead and make that change possible.

“I think the PMOI is the best chance for the Iranian people, to topple the Mullahs and the regime and the best means to establish a democratic and free Iran.”