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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismRouhani’s Sham Moderation: Iranian regime appoints terrorist as UN ambassador

Rouhani’s Sham Moderation: Iranian regime appoints terrorist as UN ambassador

OIAC – Organization of Iranian-American Communities condemns in the strongest the appointment of Hamid Aboutalebi as Iran’s next ambassador to the United Nations.  Recent reports suggest that Iranian government has appointed Hamid Aboutalebi, a man with deep ties to Iran’s notorious Revolutionary Guards Corps as its new ambassador to the United Nations. Iranian-Americans know Aboutalebi not as a diplomat but an assassin who is known to have been involved in the takeover of American Embassy in Iran as well assassination of prominent dissidents abroad.

Aboutalebi’s criminal past, includes his involvement in Iran’s international terrorist plots. Most notably, Italy’s Supreme Criminal Court has named Hamid Aboutalebi as a central figure in the assassination of Italy charge d’affaires for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in 1993.

Aboutalebi has also been implicated in Iran hostage crisis and participated in the seizure of the US Embassy. The appointment of Aboutalebi, particularly in light of these heinous crimes from his past is outrageous and grotesque. His appointment also reaffirms our long held assertion that Iranian rulers, including Hassan Rouhani have never been and will never become moderates.

The appointment in our view is a calculated maneuver by the regime designed to project its perpetual defiance of international norms and customs. The latter attempt also serves Iran’s goal by perpetuating conflict, anger, and tension in the world community.

Iran has previously employed the same strategy, where it has used the United Nations to preach hate or spread fear and terror.Projection of terror and undermining international norms in order to fan the flames of extremism serves Iran’s long term strategic goal and its extremist and expansionist doctrine.

OIAC applauds the recent letter by twenty-nine U.S. Senators who in a letter to President Obama urged him to deny Aboutalebi entry visa into the United States.

The Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) joins other groups and individuals within and outside our community in condemning this provocative and disgraceful appointment. The fact that Aboutalebi is set to travel to the United Nations in New York is offensive to all American citizens and Iranian-Americans, not only because of his involvement in the hostage taking, but also for murder of innocent civilians during his tenure.