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Iran: 15 arrested; pictures of Hassan Rouhani are set on fire

Despite the heavy presence of suppressive forces in various parts of Tehran, people held the Fire Festival on an extensive scale. In all districts of the city there fires were set up and the sound of firecrackers and sonic bombs can be heard from all corners.

Reports received from Tehran from 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm:

– In Ariashahr, Valiassr Avenue, people clashed with the agents that were attempting to disperse them. Elements of the suppressive forces confiscated people’s cameras and arrested fifteen
– In Salsabil Street, western Tehran, the youth set fire to pictures of regime’s President Mullah Hassan Rouhani
– In Nezamabad and Madani Street, the youth set several trash bins on fire. Suppressive forces afraid of getting beaten up by the youth did not dare to interfere.
– In Abbasabad and Sohrevardi Streets, agents on motorcycles who are wearing anti-bullet vests try to disperse the youth by terrorizing them. They do not dare move alone.


Update on Fire Feast in Iran-10 pm Local Tehran time.

In Tehran, while the city is replete with suppressive forces, the Fire Festival is being held in various areas of the city.

At 8 pm local time, in Tehran’s Third Falakeh, the regime has cut off the electricity so that people cannot shoot films of the gathering of the people. In Parvin Boulevard, agents threatened people with their batons.

At 7:30 pm in AriyaShahr, Valiassr Street: Agents clashed with the people and confiscated the cameras.
At 6:50 pm, near Nezamabad and Madani Street, the youth set several trash bins on fire.

In Yaftabad region, many fires were set up. The noise of firecrackers and explosions can be heard from all directions. People badly beat up agents who interfere with their festivities.

In Nasserkhossrow, Panzdahe Khordad and Molavi streets the youth respond to any movement by the security forces with firecrackers and throw thousands of firecrackers under their feet. The agents are armed with batons and cold weapons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 18, 2014

Reports until 8pm local Tehran time.

Despite suppressive provisions by the clerical regime to obstruct the Fire Festival ceremonies and their turning into protests by the youth, from late afternoon, the sound of blowing firecrackers and sound bombs can be heard in various quarters of Tehran, including in the Jomhouri Street in Tehran Pars District, Lalehzar Street in Shahriar, and in Varamin.

In fear of rage of the youth, the regime closed the banks and government buildings a few hours sooner than their normal working hours from 2 pm.

In Ahvaz, the youth set fire to pictures of Khomeini and Khamenei and the will of Khomeini.

In Mahabad, despite the semi-curfew atmosphere created by the suppressive forces, the youth held the fire festival ceremony and clashed with the suppressive forces. The condition in the city is critical.

Suppressive forces have declared that those who play with firecrackers in public places will be arrested and detained until April 2.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 18, 2014