Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeEditorial - National Council of Resistance of IranHassan Rouhani's Minister says regime human rights record is 'luminous'

Hassan Rouhani’s Minister says regime human rights record is ‘luminous’

Mohammad Javad Larijani, Secretary General of the so-called High Council for Human Rights in the mullahs’ judiciary described the “surge in executions” in Iran as “a service to mankind” and called for “decisiveness” in its continuation. He also described mullahs’ barbarisms in implementing Qesas (law of retribution) as a source of “life”.

He said: “Unfortunately, instead of praising Iran for the surge in executions and its decisive action countering drug smuggling , International bodies have used it for waging a human rights offensive against the Islamic Republic.”

Speaking in a meeting in which the Hassan Rouhani’s Interior Minister was present, he said: “This issue is an honor for the judicial system and security apparatuses and our expectation from international entities and the world is to appreciate the great service to mankind… it is clear that the aggression towards Iran in the name of human rights has no bases in human rights and their main goal behind objecting to executions in Iran is to target Qesas (law of retribution), while Qesas is the right of all citizens and carries life with it”.

Rahman Fazli, Hassan Rouhani’s Interior Minister called the regime’s miseries and criminal human rights record a “luminous record”, and said: “These achievements must be introduced by our diplomats around the world”.

These disgusting remarks by the senior officials in the mullahs’ regime comes at a time when since the beginning of 2014, at least 154 individuals have been executed including women and juvenile offenders, and the regime continues to issue criminal sentences that include amputation of limbs, eye gouging and cutting off ears and noses.

The visit to Tehran by of the EU High Representative Lady Ashton to Iran in the midst of arbitrary and mass executions and the issuance of medieval sentences, and meeting with senior regime officials who are proud of torturing, killing and executing is a flagrant violation of values such as democracy, human rights and the rule of law and it will only embolden the mullahs’ regime continue with carrying out such crimes.