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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsMullahs' embassy stages gathering in Brussels in support of Tehran's nuclear program

Mullahs’ embassy stages gathering in Brussels in support of Tehran’s nuclear program

Mullahs' embassy stages gathering in Brussels in support of Tehran's nuclear programNCRI – While in their uprisings in Tehran, Azerbaijan, Zanjan, Ardabil, Kurdistan, Khuzistan, Sistan and Baluchistan and elsewhere in the country, the Iranian people, including students and workers, chant slogans against the Iranian regime’s leaders and voice opposition to the catastrophic nuclear program, the mullahs’ embassy, agents, and operatives abroad are planning to hold stage-managed gatherings in support of the nuclear programs.

To this end, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Paris in conjunction with the embassy in Brussels,   are planning to hold a gathering outside the European Union Headquarters in Brussels, claiming that Iranians in exile oppose firmness toward the mullahs’ nuclear defiance.

This gathering is a follow up to the scandalous and humiliating gathering last April 29 in Trocadéro Square in Paris in which only a handful of the regime’s agents and their families took part.

On May 28, the state-run Fars New Agency, reported, “As a follow up to the April 29  Trocadéro Square rally, held on the invitation of the Iranian society in France, the same society will hold a gathering in Brussels.” Fars has quoted this society, a front organization run by the Iranian Intelligence Ministry, as saying, "At this crucial juncture, when the country is threatened by foreign and domestic enemies determined to uproot the rich Iranian culture, we should join hands. The Iranian society in France is relying on your glorious and honorable presence. As with the magnificent Paris gathering, we welcome our compatriots’ participation in Europe.”

All travel and hotel expenses for the participants in this demonstration are paid for by the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry and embassies in France and Belgium.

The Iranian Resistance underscores the unpatriotic nature of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program and emphatically urges the need for the United Nations Security Council to impose comprehensive sanctions against the Iranian regime. It also calls on Belgian authorities to prevent the espionage and terrorist networks of the mullahs’ regime from operating in that country.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June1, 2006