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IRGC chief admits Iranian regime is in critical situation

Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammad Ali Jafari delivered a speech on Wednesday, February 19th, at a gathering of the regime’s Basij members, making unprecedented remarks in admitting to Khamenei’s lack of credibility inside the mullahs’ regime, officials and experts, and emphasizing the public’s hatred of the IRGC.

“As the leader said in his speech, across the country we are behind these days…our country is in a critical stage and we are facing a crisis… developments must take place in all the country’s apparatuses, … the administrative system ruling the country has reformed and destroyed some of the revolutionary entities, and they are now attacking the IRGC. But the IRGC will resist against all these attacks,” he said.

“The basis of being revolutionary is to listen to the supreme leader, but our problem with many of the revolutionaries is that they have not remained revolutionary,” he said on Khamenei losing his former stature and credibility amongst IRGC commanders.

“The status of the Islamic revolution is better abroad than it is inside,” the criminal IRGC chief said in another part of his speech, referring to the Iranian people’s abhorrence of the mullahs’ regime.

Speaking to members of the regime’s Basij members in the country’s universities, Jafari left no doubt that deep economic crisis led to the regime taking part in the nuclear negotiations and it is not an opportunity that can be missed.

“The government entered the talks with heroic flexibility and maintaining its principle to either lessen the pressure of the sanctions or not make the country’s officials abroad hopeless, and focus on our internal abilities. Whatever the result may be is positive. Of course, based on the condition that they do not cross any red lines, and the leader will not allow this… Due to the sensitive period during which the negotiations must continue to not give any excuses to anyone, for now we must remain silent because it is very sensitive and the main goal is to remove the economic pressures on the people. This is very important. Therefore, we must tread carefully,” he added.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2014