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Iranian regime and Iraq sabotage transfer of PMOI (MEK) members to third countries

Camp Liberty housing trailer hit by rocketsThe Iranian regime and Iraqi government disrupt and sabotage the transfer of PMOI members to other countries, intensify pressures on Liberty residents and plan further missile attacks against the camp

The Iranian Resistance calls for adoption of binding decision by the UN Security Council to provide security for the residents of Camp Liberty until they are all resettled in third countries

A chain of hysterical reactions by the mullahs’ regime and its operatives to the introduction of a Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General for the relocation of Camp Hurriya residents outside of Iraq, reaffirms the fact that the Iranian regime not only has no desire for the transfer of Camp Liberty residents to third countries, but stops at nothing to stonewall the process.


Mrs Maryam Rajavi has repeatedly declared that mullahs’ true objective is not to have PMOI members depart from Ashraf or Iraq, but rather to physically annihilate them or have them surrender. There is no third option. (Speech by Maryam Rajavi at Grand Gathering of Iranians in Paris on 22 June 2013; Speech by Maryam Rajavi at a conference at the UN Headquarters in Geneva on 19 September 2013; Speech by Maryam Rajavi at an international conference in Paris on 19 October 2013)

1. In a replica story, the Iranian regime’s media angrily re-published the report on the Secretary General’s Special Advisor, writing: “By appointing the former deputy U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security as his special advisor on issues regarding the relocation of PMOI members, Ban Ki-moon has, in effect, disregarded all crimes committed by this group in Iran and Iraq. He has tasked Jane Holl Lute with finding new places to relocate the PMOI.” (Fars, IRGC news agency and JomhouryEslami daily – January 7)

2. The regime’s media wrote elsewhere: “This measure by the UN was immediately adopted after the most recent attack on Camp Liberty. Given that third countries are not willing to accept this cult, it seems that convincing the UN and Western countries to pay attention to the situation of this grouplet in Camp Liberty, and the acceleration of their acceptance by third countries, will require the leaders of this group to follow a strategy of trying to atrract sympathy. In this regard, the PMOI would not at all dislike being attacked in Camp Liberty, and to sacrifice a few PMOI members so that the pictures and news can be widely broadcasted to help convince Europe and U.S. to remove PMOI members from Iraq and resettle them in Europe and US.” (Bulletin News and Jam News – January 7) This is an obvious scenario to increase the criminal attacks against Camp Liberty residents.
3. Speaking on the same subject, Nozar Shafiee, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the mullahs’ Majlis, said: “This measure by the UN to protect the PMOI will encourage them to increase terrorist activities. As such, this is contrary to the United Nations’ general objective to preserve international peace and security. The presence of ‘Monafeqin’ (PMOI) in third countries will definitely be a mistake. Countries must refrain from accepting this terrorist group in order to strengthen their relations with Tehran.” (Iranian regime’s parliament news agency – 13 January 2013)

4. A lengthy article published on the website of a state-run News Network TV wrote on January 14: “Ban Ki-moon has mandated Ms. Jane Holl Lute to find a new place to resettle the PMOI. The UN was established to help preserve international peace and security and to counter anything that might challenge the order and security of the international community, not to find shelter for a gangsters and terrorists. Siding with this group will tarnish the reputation of this organization and the UN Secretary-General.”
5. As reiterated by regime’s media, among the main objectives of regime’s Foreign Minister’s trip to countries in the region was to prevent acceptance of Camp Liberty residents. Speaking on the subject, National Security and Foreign Relations parliamentary committee member Mohammad Hassan Asfari, who accompanied the Foreign Minister, said: “In his meeting with the Jordanian authorities, Zarif stated Iran’s position regarding the acceptance of PMOI members.” (Iranian Intelligence Ministry’s Mehr news agency – January 17)

He also emphasized: “In the trip to Oman, a meeting was held with the monarch, the foreign minister, and the prime minister. In this meeting, the Islamic Republic stressed that Oman ought not to accept the presence of ‘Monafeqin’ in its country.” (Khan-e Mellat website, affiliated with the regime’s Majlis – January 19)

The mullahs’ regime’s media also wrote that in his trip to Baghdad, one of the most important tasks of the Foreign Minister had to do with “the PMOI and settling the issue of this cult” (Bulletin News, January 14).

6. The Iranian regime has tasked its ambassadors and representatives in different countries – especially in Europe – to warn the authorities of countries they are in against accepting the PMOI members of Camp Liberty and to warn them that such measures would endanger political and economic relations with the Iranian regime. Through passing false and misleading information to the authorities of these countries, they depict the transfer of PMOI members to these countries as cause for insecurity, disturbance and terrorist activities.

7. Last October the Iranian regime’s media wrote: “Following the news about the admission of 97 by Germany, groups formed by deserters of this organization wrote letters to the Koln authorities and German officials reminding them of violent activities by members of this group and the need to control them, and informed these officials about the names of some of the organizations in Germany ‘that are active as front organizations for Monafeqin’.”

It is clear that the authors of these acts are the intelligence agents who shed crocodile tears for Liberty residents and accuse “PMOI leadership” of stalling their transfer to outside of Iraq.
8. On September 12, Haghighatpour, Deputy Chair of the Security and Foreign Policy Committee of parliament, said: “I hope the whole world will be cleansed of the PMOI contamination.” (Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Qods Force)

9. On September 13, Asfari, a member of this committee said: “Iran will break off relations with any country that gives residence to the PMOI.” (Iran’s state-run TV)

10. On September 14, IRGC Brigadier General Esmail Koathari, another member of this committee said: “No country is allowed to accept them as a whole that would enable them to maintain their solid organization. We shall follow this up in parliament so that they will all be handed over to Iran” (Mehr news agency).

11. On September 16, committee spokesman Hossein Naghavi announced: “Iran will reconsider its relations with countries that accept the Monafeqin.” (Reporters’ Club, affiliated with IRGC). On September 14, Friday prayer Imams of many cities who commended the Iraqi government for its attack on Ashraf, said: “No country should accept PMOI members as refugees; rather, they should hand them over to the Islamic Republic.”

12. On September 21, Khamenei’s mouthpiece the Kayhan daily unveiled the regime’s double-aspect policy of increasing suppression at Camp Liberty while preventing residents’ resettlement. It wrote: “The government must work incessantly with Iraqi officials for the complete expulsion of the Monafeqin from that country’s soil and the closure of Camp Liberty. Considering that the current government in Iraq has close relations with Iran, this matter of importance is not too hard to achieve.” Khamenei’s mouthpiece then adds: “The president and the foreign minister of our country should send this explicit and firm message to the governments worldwide, particularly to the countries in the region, that the Islamic Republic will never allow any country to station this terrorist grouplet on its soil, otherwise, it has to face political, economic and may be security consequences.”

13. Previously too, the mullahs’ regime was deeply involved in obstructing the admission of PMOI members in other countries. On 18 March 2013, Mansour Haghighatpour, Deputy Chair of Security Committee of the parliament, said: “If Albania accepts the PMOI, its Ambassador will be summoned to the foreign ministry.” He stressed: “This move will affect the level of trade between the two countries” (Regime’s parliament news agency).

14. Following the transfer of the first group to Albania, the threats by mullahs’ regime assumed an added dimension:
On May 18, the state-run News Network TV threatened: “Experts believe with the presence of these people in Albania, in future, the Balkans will witness bombings and sabotages that would benefit the U.S. and the Zionist regime.” On the same day, the state-run Qods daily threatened the Albanian Prime Minister and wrote: “Our diplomatic apparatus should make clear to Sali Berisha the consequences of his dangerous behavior regarding his country and people and its bilateral relations with Tehran.”

Seyyed Bagher Hossieni, a member of regime’s parliament, told the Albanian government that the PMOI “are not only dangerous to their national interests but could present a danger to the whole region.” (Regime’s parliament’s news agency – May 19, 2013)

Mohammadreza Thani, Chair of the parliament’s Security Committee, said: “Accepting the PMOI not only brings no prestige to Albania, but will have security consequences for the country in the long-run. (Khan-e Mellat website, affiliated with parliament – June 24, 2013)

15. Sabotage in the transfer of PMOI to other countries is being carried out by the Iranian regime while at the same time it is planning via its puppet government and its agents and hirelings in Iraq for further suppressive measures and missile attacks against Camp Liberty residents. In a statement by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on 20 December 2013, it is noted that Maliki, in his visit to Iran, agreed to all conditions set by the Iranian regime to acquire the regime’s support for his third term as Prime Minster; including the following:

– “Complete freedom of action against PMOI for Ministry of Intelligence and Qods Force in Iraq

– “Establishment of a Qods Force headquarters near Camp Liberty

– “Intensification of pressures and suppressive measures against PMOI in Camp Liberty”.

16. In NCRI statements of 7, 8 and 9 January, plans by the clerical regime and Maliki to attack and slaughter in Camp Liberty were disclosed. These statements explicitly state that the Qods Force, in coordination with Government of Iraq, is poised to carry out further and heavier missile attacks on Camp Liberty. A considerable number of Qods Force officers have arrived at Baghdad Airport with heat-seeking missiles and the coordination for transfer of the new missiles and their launch pads is being worked out by Maliki’s National Security Advisor’s organ. Maliki has ordered SWAT and Dirty Division forces to be deployed near Camp Liberty and to act against PMOI if the situation turns critical.

17. On January 8, the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence declared that the present situation in Iraq is “an exceptional opportunity to concurrently destroy Daesh and PMOI”. Habilian, a well-known branch of Ministry of Intelligence, put together fabrications such as the PMOI “have always supported terrorist groups like Daesh” to conclude that “it is necessary for Government of Iraq that concurrent with efforts to annihilate al-Qaeda terrorists, seriously think about this important opportunity to dry out the root of support of PMOI for these terrorists” (Ministry of Intelligence website of “Habilian”).

18. The NCRI’s Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee declared on January 3: “Following the fourth missile attack on Camp Liberty, the Nejat Association, a branch of mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence, and its paid hands, under the pretext of residents’ families who want to learn about the names of those injured, attempted to collect detailed tactical and operational information on the outcome of the December 26 attack for more accurate planning of the next attacks. Following an attack, Ministry of Intelligence tasked its agents to send correspondence to international organizations and express their concern for the safety of their relatives in Camp Liberty and request “putting pressure on the PMOI leadership to announce the names of the injured”.

19. At the same time, through the dispatch of its agents to European countries, the clerical regime not only attempts to spy on and disseminate bogus information and conduct a demonizing campaign, but tries to block the transfer of PMOI members to these countries.

20. A statement by the NCRI Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee on 2 December 2013 revealed that one such element by the name of Ehsan Bidi had entered Albania on 16 October, 2013, with an Iranian passport with serial number 16359072 under the pretext of being a refugee and “former member of the PMOI”. This passport, issued on 27 January 2013 by the Ministry of Intelligence and valid for five years, clearly shows the irrelevancy of the status of asylum for this individual. There are many other examples where people, other than those in Camp Liberty, with no risk against their lives, have been sent to European countries under pretext of “former PMOI members” while they are the residents of Camp Liberty who should have priority because their lives are continuously threatened by missile barrages and may lose their lives at any time.

Since the abovementioned facts leave not a shred of doubt about the mullahs’ regime ominous intentions and that of its puppet government in Iraq to annihilate Camp Liberty residents or compel them to surrender, the Iranian Resistance calls for the immediate intervention by United States and the United Nations for the referral of the case to the Security Council for the adoption of binding decisions to provide safety and security to the residents until all of them are transferred to Europe or United States.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 20, 2014