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Khamenei threatens Azerbaijanis with more suppression

Khamenei threatens Azerbaijanis with more suppressionRevolutionary Guards Special Commando units were dispatched to Naqadeh

Yesterday, in a meeting with the regime’s Majlis (Parliament) Speaker and a number of deputies, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described the Azeri speaking Iranians as enemies who are after "inciting tension and instigating ethnic provocations against the state."

Khamenei called hundreds of thousands of Azeris in northwestern provinces who had protested against discrimination, suppression and insults as mercenaries who had received a “sum” in order to overthrow the regime. He stressed the need for stepped-up repression to confront the explosive state of society.

At the same time, the mullahs’ regime dispatched Revolutionary Guards’ Special Commando units from Khuzistan Province to Naqadeh. The units arrived equipped with light and medium caliber weaponry and took position in the city’s squares and streets.

Despite these measures, the shops stayed closed and both the Azeri and Kurdish residents remained united in their resistance to the suppressive forces.

During last Thursday’s Naqadeh uprising, 10 people were killed and dozens wounded when the suppressive forces opened fire into the crowd.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations and especially the United Nations’ Independent Expert on Minorities Issues to condemn the clerical regime’s suppressive measures against the Iranian people, and demands urgent action to save the lives of those arrested in the course of last week’s uprisings in Azeri speaking Iranian provinces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 29, 2006