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Camp Liberty Iranians are paying price of West’s inaction, says Canadian committee


Press release by Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran, December 26, 2013

Camp Liberty attacked by rockets and mortars, again, killing three “Protected persons”, wounding dozens

Another brutal attack by Maliki forces came on Camp Liberty residents at the behest of his Iranian sponsors on December 26 claiming 3 lives and .many injuries up to this moment while the international community is praising Iran’s mullahs for becoming moderate and attractive in their Geneva nuclear deal.

This was yet another predictable consequence of the West’s failure to take action vis-à-vis Maliki’s previous crimes against humanity in Camp Liberty and Camp Ashraf and it was the particular result of whitewashing the bloody hands of Maliki in the brutal attack on Ashraf and hostage-taking from the camp on September 1st.

This was Iraq’s fourth missile attack on Camp Liberty but it will not be the last unless the UN, US and EU take the repeated warnings made by many members of parliament, congressmen, senators and leading judicial and military figures in Europe and United States seriously and put an end to such atrocities dictated to PM Maliki by Tehran mullahs.

Ongoing warnings have been issued that Maliki has the sinister intention of killing the residents. The protective T-walls which had to be installed in the camp were taken away. The obstructions deliberately made by Iraqi government in not returning the T-walls to the camp have an evil purpose. Consequently, four months after the September 1st attack on Ashraf, only 200 of the 17500 T-walls have been returned to the camp and installed.

No accountability and no independent investigations were carried out after the September attack on Camp Ashraf. No serious action was taken to allow the UN Blue Helmets to take over the protection of Camp Liberty. Thus Maliki feels safe and immune to go on with his atrocities against the residents. Since he is in an extremely fragile position in Iraq and in fear of losing power, he badly needs to reciprocate the mullahs’ support in his third term as prime minister. This latest attack was well predicted after his November trip to Tehran.

More ridiculously, Al-Mokhtar Army, a Maliki-made army, once again claimed responsibility for this new crime. As Ban Ki Moon, Ashton and Obama wring their hands in feeble impotence, the killing of the innocent will continue apace in Camp Liberty and the international community will be continuously fooled.

Although the camp residents are paying the price of the appalling silence and inaction by the West, this situation is extremely humiliating to the whole international community to stand so impotent and weak in front of Maliki and his Iranian sponsors. We call on our government to take action to ensure the security of the camp, and to hold Maliki accountable for this atrocity and bring him to justice before he liquidates the whole camp residents.

Hon. David Kilgour, JD
Co-Chair, Ottawa