Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Student protests – Latest

Iranian university students have staged a serious of protests against dilapidated facilities, including one man killed by faulty electrical wiring in a dormitory.

Literature students at Tehran University have protested at increasingly suppressive measures taken by their college supervisor and demanded that he be replaced.

Students at Gillan University staged a protest on November 10 at deteriorating sanitary conditions in their accommodation, including undrinkable water, lack of heating an infestation of mice and cockroaches.

Students at Isfahan University protested on the same at a lack of communication between professors and the education ministry that lead to students being marked absent from wrongly cancelled classes.

More than 1,000 students at Tehran University’s Agricultural College protested on November 21 against the death of classmate Koroush Sofieh, who was electrified while walking to his dormitory due to a short circuit in the wiring.

They demanded resignation of the university officials for negligence before being threatened with arrest by security forces and plain-clothes agents.