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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsDeal does not allow Iranian regime to enrich uranium, U.S. says

Deal does not allow Iranian regime to enrich uranium, U.S. says

A senior Obama administration official says the nuclear deal with Iranian regime does not include recognition of right to enrich uranium, Associated Press reported.

The official says the deal includes an agreement that Iran will halt progress on its nuclear program, including a plutonium reactor at the Arak facility. The deal also calls on Iran to neutralize its 20 percent enriched uranium stockpiles. Tehran has also agreed to intrusive inspections under the terms of the deal.

The official was not authorized to discuss the terms of the agreement by name and insisted on anonymity.

The U.S. and other world powers agreed Sunday to give the Iranian regime six months to open its nuclear sites to possible daily inspections in exchange for allowing Tehran to maintain the central elements of its uranium program, in a multi-layered deal to test the Iranian regime’s claim that it does not seek atomic weapons.

Still, Rouhani portrayed the accord as a victory for the Iranian regime’s “right” to enrichment under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — even though the West sidestepped using that language in the documents and foreign ministers, including Secretary of State John Kerry, flatly denied such a right had been recognized.