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Iranian regime’s intelligence and its agents stonewall transfer of Camp Liberty residents to outside Iraq

Disruption and stonewalling takes place while agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence are tasked to shed crocodile tears for Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty residents

NCRI – The Iranian regime has revealed its anger over the German government’s agreement with the transfer of a group of Camp Liberty residents to that country.

A large number of the regime’s media outlets in a cliché news piece, by distorting the report published by the German daily Kölner Stadt Anzeiger wrote, “Germany has accepted 97 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran who ‘previously had refugee files in Germany’ and ’77 of them are to be sent to the city of Koln’… Koln authorities, including the city council chair have raised serious protests to this decision and the presence of these individuals who have records of military and terrorist activities and sectarian lifestyles, considering them a disruption of Koln residents’ security.”
The regime’s media outlets (including News Network, the Quds Force news agency known as Tasnim, the websites of Habilian and societies linked to the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), Mardom Salari and …) published this news piece, and revealed the stonewalling and disrupting measures of the regime’s agents under the pretext of ‘former PMOI members’. Yet despite weeping crocodile tears for Ashraf and Liberty residents, they wrote, “Following the publication of the news of 97 individuals being accepted by Germany, groups consisting of defected members of this organization wrote letters and e-mails to officials of Koln and the German government informing them of the violent actions of this group’s members and warning them to control them precisely … and informed them of the names of various associations in Germany that “under cover are involved in activities for the Monafeqin organization (term used by the Iranian regime for the PMOI)”.
The MOIS coordinated ‘choir’ on the transfer of a group of residents to Germany is part of the policy of the deliberate disrupting and stonewalling measures by the mullahs’ regime regarding the transfer of Liberty residents to other countries.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, has reminded time and again, “The real intention of the mullahs’ regime is not for the PMOI to leave Ashraf or Iraq. It is hell-bent on the physical elimination or the surrender of the PMOI. There is no third option…the clerical regime’s officials clearly said this movement must be wiped off the face of the Earth and from any country that accepts them”. (Grand Gathering of Iranians on 22 June 2013 and a conference in the UN Headquarters held on 19 September 2013).
The positions taken and remarks made by the regime’s organs, elements and media outlets in this regard are quite obvious:
– Haghighat Pour, deputy chair of the Majlis (parliament) Security and Foreign Relations Commission said, “I hope the whole earth is rid of the existence of the Monafeqin”. (Terrorist Quds Force news agency, 12 September 2013)
– Asefri, member of this commission, said, “Without a doubt any country that provides residents to the Monafeqin will have the Islamic Republics of Iran’s discontent and Iran will end its relations with that country.” (Regime’s News Network TV, 13 September 2013)
– On 14 September, Brigadier General Isameel Kothar, another member of the regime’s ‘Security Commission’ said, “No third country has the right to accept them in a concentrated manner for them to maintain their organized structure… We in the Majlis will follow up on this issue to have them all handed over to Iran”. (The Mullahs’ Mehr News Agency)
– According to the briefing of the mullahs’ Gestapo on “expressing gratitude to the Iraqi government for forcing the Monafeqin grouplet out of Ashraf garrison”, the regime’s Friday prayer leaders on 14 September in many cities said: “No country must provide refuge to this grouplet. In fact they must be handed over to the Islamic republic.”
– Simultaneously, Yadollah Javani, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, said: “No country will be willing to place a terrorist grouplet on its soil. Today, under no conditions are the Americans and European countries willing to provide refuge to the Monafeqin and accept them in their countries.” (Tabnak Website, associated to former IRGC chief Mohsen Rezaei).
– The state-run Jomhouri Islami daily wrote on this same day: “The PMOI, like pollutant microbes, will contaminate any area they are placed in… Therefore, there is no other choice but for international organizations and all countries to place group in the blacklist … and be rooted out once and for all with one comprehensive and international decision. Today that the Monafeqin terrorist grouplet is on a steep slope, such a decision can eradicate the threat of this group once and for all.”
– On 16 September, Hossein Naghavi, spokesman of the Majlis Security and Foreign Affairs Commission, announced, “Iran will have second thoughts regarding countries that accept the Monafeqin.” (‘Reporters Club’ website, linked to the MOIS)
– On 21 September, Khamenei’s mouthpiece Keyhan wrote: “The government must consistently be in talks with Iraqi officials to completely expel the Monafeqin from this country and close down Camp Liberty. Considering the fact that the government in Iraq has close relations with Iran, carrying out this important measure won’t be very difficult… The further away the threat is, its impacts are further decreased… our country’s president and foreign affairs minister, through speeches and interviews, must send this clear and firm message to the governments of the world, and especially countries in the region, that the Islamic Republic of Iran will never allow any country to station this terrorist grouplet on its soil, and if such measures are taken, they must accept the political, economic and probably security consequences.”
The NCRI Security and Anti-Terrorism Commission considers the following points necessary:
1- Contrary to state-run media outlets, the Kolner Stadt Anzeiger daily, while publishing the disagreement of some local officials with the acceptance of 77 Liberty residents, wrote: “Given that they were previously recognized as refugees and resided in Koln, they can now return to that place based on the decisions of the Federal Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Interior for the Nord-Rhein Westfallen.” Based on the writings of this newspaper, the Federal Ministry of Interior believes that these individuals pose no threat to Germany and the Ministry of Interior for the Nord-Rhein Westfallen, following the request of the Ministry of Interior, has agreed to their transfer.
2- MOIS proxies under the guise of “former members of the PMOI” inside Iran and abroad are only elements of the mullahs’ regime in implementing its policy of spying and terrorism, or as they say wiping the PMOI from the face of the earth.
3- The obstruction of the regime in the transfer of PMOI members abroad comes at a time when MOIS proxies have been obligated to show fake empathy for them by calling for the PMOI’s transfer to third countries. While not refraining from any measure that will dissuade host countries from accepting PMOI members, they must claim that “PMOI leadership” is causing obstacles.
The NCRI Security and Anti-Terrorism Commission considers the all-out and pervasive fear of the religious dictatorship from the Iranian Resistance as a sign of the regime’s period of overthrow. This is a regime that has in the past resorted to all inhumane plots in order to survive. Yet it will not stand the perseverance and persistence of the Iranian people and Resistance.
National Council of Resistance of Iran, Security and Anti-terrorism Commission
29 September 2013