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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIranian Resistance warns of new massacre in Camp Ashraf, Demands US action...

Iranian Resistance warns of new massacre in Camp Ashraf, Demands US action – Breaking News

Demands immediate action by the US Government and President to avert another massacre

US silence and inaction despite its responsibility toward the protection of the residents is green light for attack and massacre

NCRI – Reports from inside Iran indicates that in the absence of a firm position by the US Government, the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government are planning to perpetrate another crime against humanity and massacre the survivors of last Sunday’s killings at Camp Ashraf.

The Representative of the residents of Ashraf and Liberty said: “The US Government and the President bear legal, political and moral responsibility regarding the safety and security of the residents of Ashraf and Liberty.”

“He urged the US President and the Secretary of State to condemn the Iraqi government and its Prime Minister for the September 1 massacre and immediately warn Maliki about continuing this massacre and halt any ultimatums. This is the only way to avert another massacre given that the Iraqi government ultimatum to the residents of Ashraf runs out tomorrow.”

Six days of silence by senior US government officials regarding the Camp Ashraf massacre by Maliki and his henchmen of persons for whose protection the US government bears responsibility has served as a green light and emboldened them in perpetuating their crimes.

He added that there is absolutely no doubt that the US government is fully aware of the Iraqi government’s evil plans to carry out another massacre and, for this very reason, its failure to act would make the US doubly complicit in any further atrocity. The United States Government would be directly responsible for any further bloodshed at Camp Ashraf. Inaction vis-à-vis a crime amounts to complicity.

The 100 residents of Ashraf, 52 of whom have been brutally executed and seven taken hostage by Iraq, were all protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The US Government had signed agreements with each and every one of them and accepted responsibility to protect them. They stayed at Ashraf to protect the residents’ property based on a quadripartite agreement (U.S., Iraq, the UN and the residents’ representatives) in August 2012 at Ashraf and the August 29, 2012 statement by the State Department, both of which guaranteed their safety and security. Then-Secretary of State’s Special Advisor on Ashraf told Agence France Presse on October 3, 2012, that there was no time limit on their stay at Ashraf until the complete resolution of the property issue.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 6, 2013