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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranian regime's anti-PMOI (MEK) festivals expose regime's fear of Resistance

Iranian regime’s anti-PMOI (MEK) festivals expose regime’s fear of Resistance

A anti-regime graffiti reads: 'Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi' in a street in Tehran.
A anti-regime graffiti reads: ‘Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi’ in a street in Tehran.
NCRI – The Iranian regime is staging festivals across the country to brainwash the nation’s youth into believing in the ‘crimes’ of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran.

The events are being focused on western Iran, where ruling mullahs fear the mounting support for the PMOI (MEK).

Mohammad Aftabi, the general director of Ministry of Culture and Guidance (Ershad) in Kermanshah province, western Iran, said: “This regional festival is going to be held in all the western provinces that were involved in Iran-Iraq war in 1980s.

“Events will be held on both stages and in the streets,” he told the state-run Mehr news agency.

Organizers of the festivals said their aim was to, ‘familiarize the younger generation and especially students with the crimes of the hypocrites (PMOI/MEK).”

Over the past two years, in order to tackle PMOI’s popularity and specifically to prevent the youth from being attracted to them, the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security has resorted to holding widespread exhibitions across the country.

Between April 2010 and December 2012, around 120 such events were held at universities, high schools, government offices, mosques, seminaries and military barracks.