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Iran regime’s threats against its opposition condemned worldwide

Iran regime's threats against its opposition condemned worldwideNCRI – Prominent personalities, jurists and lawmakers continue to express their outrage against the Iranian regime’s interference in Iraq and its ploy to restrict freedom of expression of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the main opposition movement to the mullahs’ regime, in Iraq.

In his letter to the Iraqi authorities, honorable Lord Slynn of Hadley, a prominent British judge said: "It is very disturbing to read a report of allegations said to have been made by the Iranian government to your Excellency’s government about the activities of the people at Ashraf. These allegations made from time to time by the Iranian government have been strongly denied as being without foundation. There is not a jot of evidence that the people in Ashraf have been engaged in terrorist activities or that they have done anything to damage or to the detriment of Iraq."

In a similar letter, Congressman Lacy Clay, Democrat from Missouri and a member of House Committee on Democracy and Human Rights in Iran said: "It is my understanding that the Iranian regime is continuing its ongoing campaign to spread misinformation about the Mojahedin, as it also engages in the support of terrorism and violence in Iraq and throughout the region."

He further added: "I have participated in congressional briefings held in the US Congress regarding the situation in Iraq and the activities of the MEK. Iraqis and American military officials were among those who testified as to the merits of the MEK’s efforts to promote human rights and their commitments to democracy in Iran. I am aware of nothing to suggest that the MEK poses any threat to the Iraqi people."

In a letter to the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Rt. Hon. Lord Waddington, member of UK House of Lords and a former Home Secretary in Britain said: "I have been informed that the Iranian embassy in Iraq has forwarded a letter of complaint to your office about the activities of the PMOI personnel in Iraq. Not surprisingly the Iranian regime is angered at the efforts of the PMOI to expose the meddling of the Iranian regime in Iraq and its involvement in terrorist atrocities against the Iraqi people.

"At the same time the mullahs appear to be vexed at the level of support the PMOI have managed to garner within all of the various religious and ethnic groups in Iraq.

"I understand that the Iranian regime has demanded that you take steps to restrict the activities of the PMOI in Iraq. It is not enough for the mullahs that they brutally oppress the Iranian people and deny them their basic rights – they now seek to deny those same rights to Iranians in Iraq. The Iranian regime’s demands are an outrage and no doubt you will treat them as such."

Baroness Harris of Richmond, a senior official at the British Liberal Democratic party said: "The fact that the Iranian regime attempts to silence its opposition and has asked your office to restrict the freedoms and liberties afforded to PMOI personnel under the Fourth Geneva Convention, is a clear illustration of the regime’s sinister intentions.

"The PMOI, being a member organization of the NCRI are a-highly regarded and supported Iranian opposition group that enjoy the support of Parliamentarians, lawyers and Iranians alike. They are a legitimate movement with a just cause and therefore I trust your office will protect the rights of the PMOI members as stipulated by international law and not give way to the misinformation of the Iranian regime and their Intelligence Ministry."

Professor Steven Schneebaum, prominent jurist and scholar in International law and human rights from the USA, wrote: "The entire world knows that it is the Government of Iran, not the People’s Mojahedin, that is an active sponsor of terrorism, and abuser of internationally-protected human rights, and a threat to the peace and security of the region, all in violation of United Nations resolutions.

"The Iranian regime would have your Excellency believe that the support received by the PMOI from its Iraqi hosts, in Diyala Province and across the country, is somehow a contrivance… This claim is preposterous, and an insult to the Iraqi people…

"The People’s Mojahedin and its personnel at Camp Ashraf have not engaged in any activity contrary to Iraqi laws. On the contrary, the PMOI has been a source of stability and security. This has been recognized by the United States Central Command, which oversaw the peaceful and voluntary disarmament of the PMOI, and which praised their cooperation as a ‘significant contribution to the Coalition’s mission to establish a safe and secure environment for the people of Iraq.’"