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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIranian regime uses bribes and threats to induce Iraqi writers and journalists...

Iranian regime uses bribes and threats to induce Iraqi writers and journalists to collaborate with the regime

NCRI – The popular protests sweeping Iraq in protest at the Iranian regime’s meddling in their affairs and at the missile attacks against Camp Liberty, has prompted the regime in Tehran to attempt to gain the support of leading Iraqi writers and journalists.

Iran’s intelligence agents and the terrorist Quds Force at the regime’s embassy in Baghdad is using threats an bribes to gain the support of influential Iraqi writers.

In order to gain their confidence, these agents who work under the supervision of Ali Navidi (head of Intelligence agents in the embassy) first contact well-known Iraqi writers and journalists and suggest they participate in the setting up a news agency, a newspaper, political news websites, TV programs and writing articles in favor of the regime, and against the PMOI, in exchange for huge salaries.

They are also invited to visit Iran under the pretext of ‘seeing the realities with their own eyes’. But when these tricks do not work, intelligence agents resort to threats.

Mr. Safi Yesseri, a renowned Iraqi writer, unveiled this conspiracy and wrote in a statement on August 4, 2013, that the regime’s embassy and Ali Navidi had initiated a new effort ‘to incite Iraqi nationalists and freedom-loving writers who advocate justice and humanity, to yield to injustice, tyranny and crime…’

He added: “When they failed to frighten me with judicial threats and threats to annihilate me and my family, the embassy hired an Iraqi with the same profession as ours, and has sent him to me to propose me working in a big news agency that is going to be set up at the Iranian embassy’s expense. He told me that he is ready to interview me no matter where I am, either in Paris, or Ukraine, Turkey or Moscow; they will pay me any amount I specify.”

According to this statement, when the embassy liaison finds that Mr. Yasseri is not ready to compromise his principles, he starts threatening: “The embassy has your special files and knows everything about you and is watching your actions and movements.”

The Iranian Resistance has already repeatedly disclosed Ali Navidi’s role. He was in charge of transportation and providing the necessities of the agents who had been torturing Ashraf residents with 300 loudspeakers for 22 months. Haj Ali Navidi had very close relations with Sorayya Abdollahi, one of the main organizers of this psychological torture.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in its statement dated 14 May 2010, revealed that Haj Ali Navidi, with the assistance of other agents such as Mostafa Mir-Mohammadi and Massoud Khodabandeh, used intimidation and the offering of incentives to try to persuade those who had left Ashraf and gone to Hotel Mohajer in Baghdad to go back to Iran and work for MOIS.

The statement of 10 May 2011 reads: “Haj Ali Navidi took a number of Iraqi hirelings and agents associated with the regime to Ashraf on May 6 to support the massacre of Ashraf residents on April 8 of the same year. These individuals went to the regime’s embassy on May 8 to receive their pay from Navidi.”
The NCRI’s statement of 18 February, 2011, reads: “The Iraqi forces yesterday set up two new towers in the southern and eastern flank of Ashraf to install more loudspeakers and intensify the psychological torture against Ashraf residents. These measures were conducted by Ali Navidi and Nasseri in the regime’s embassy, and by Jabbar Ma’mouri and Nafe’ Issa, two agents of the Quds Force. Nafe’ Issa returned yesterday from his trip to Iran. At the end of this ridiculous charade, the message of Danaii-far, the regime’s ambassador to Iraq, was read out to the audience requesting the departure of the PMOI from Ashraf.”

The NCRI’s Security and Anti-Terrorism Commission calls on all human rights and freedom of speech advocates, as well as Iraqi nationalist dignitaries, to condemn the suppressive measures of mullahs’ regime’s embassy against honorable Iraqi journalists and writers and also against freedom of expression in this country.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 6, 2013