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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMaryam Rajavi's speech at the Solidarity Conference of Arab nations

Maryam Rajavi’s speech at the Solidarity Conference of Arab nations

“What has united all of us at this grave juncture is the full-fledged monstrous war waged by the velayat-e faqih regime in Iran against the people of all our countries.

This war has been going on for over three decades against the Iranian people and their vanguards. And today, it is officially and openly murdering our sisters and brothers in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. This is, of course, the official part of the war in which there is no doubt about meddling of the mullahs regime.”

Respected Members of Parliament,

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I salute you all.

I am deeply delighted and honored to see each and every one of you, who carry the message of solidarity and sympathy for our brother nations in Asia and Africa.

What has united all of us at this grave juncture is the full-fledged monstrous war waged by the velayat-e faqih regime in Iran against the people of all our countries.

This war has been going on for over three decades against the Iranian people and their vanguards. And today, it is officially and openly murdering our sisters and brothers in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. This is, of course, the official part of the war in which there is no doubt about meddling of the mullahs regime.

The unofficial part of the regime’s war is raging in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and many other countries in the region.

The clerical regime’s goal is to preserve its weak and faltering rule. Therefore, the regime does not care about its victims being Shiites, Sunnis, Muslims or non-Muslims. What it cares about is its survival.

Khamenei, who in our time symbolizes the most powerful enmity towards Islam and all Muslims, is using demagoguery to obscure this dirty war by claiming to defend Islam and the fight against the U.S. and Israel.

In Syria, genocide and crimes against humanity are being committed, which has shocked the entire world. There is no doubt now that Khamenei and the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are fully directing this dirty war. In addition to the IRGC forces being directly sent to Syria from Iran, Hezbollah (Hezb al-Sheytan) is sending its forces from Lebanon, various Iraqi cities and even Yemen to fight the people of Syria.

Had it not been for the all-encompassing meddling of the Iranian regime, the uprising of the Syrian people would have been victorious in the first few months.

Ten years ago, I warned that the danger of the mullahs’ meddling in Iraq is one hundred times greater than the danger of their nuclear weapons program. Now you can see its advances in Iraq during 10 years and the impacts on other countries of the region.
Look at the disaster-stricken nation of Iraq. Khomeini was seeking to invade Iraq 33 years ago with the slogan “Invasion of Jerusalem through Karbala.” Now, after the U.S. pulled out its forces, the mullahs have invaded Iraq though Khamenei’s puppet government and the security institutions that are controlled by the terrorist Qods Force.

Look at Lebanon to see how the mullahs have taken its future hostage through Hezb al-Sheytan and have directed the flames of war inside that country as well.

We have repeatedly said and I will reiterate it once more here that this regime desires a nuclear weapon in order to, prior to any other objective, impose its dominance and hegemony over Arab and Islamic countries and all other arguments are nothing but excuses.

Now, in the midst of the war in Syria, the mullahs openly claim that “Syria is our 35th province.” Of course, Iran has 31 provinces. So, they must mean that Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine are the 32nd, 33rd, and 34th provinces!

They rightly point out that if they lose Syria, they would not be able to hold on to Tehran. This is what the leaders of this regime have officially admitted. So, this entire struggle is in fact over Tehran, which the mullahs believe is threatened and vulnerable by the resistance and uprisings of the Iranian people.

The Syrian revolution has exposed the evil and criminal nature of Hezbollah. You know that this group was created by investments of the Iranian regime during 30-year. Today, the overwhelming majority of Arabs, like the Iranian people, see Hezb al-Sheytan as a criminal gang created by the IRGC that will commit any crime possible to preserve the interests of the clerical regime in Iran.

Yes, the truth is that this regime is the enemy of all humanity particularly people of the region. Therefore urgent task of all nations and governments of this region is to confront and to stand against this inhumane war and the velayat-e faqih regime.

The perseverance of Iranian dissidents in camps Ashraf and Liberty is a critical part of this struggle. They are part of an organized movement whose objective is to overthrow the velayat-e faqih regime and to replace it with a democratic and progressive government.

Dear Friends,

Allow me to share with you the main outlines of the views and practical platform of the Iranian Resistance with respect to the current regional circumstances of the region. I hope that after discussions and consultations with you, we can marshal all our resources and abilities to advance and realize them as our common views and practical platform:

1. Today, the inhumane and anti-Islamic regime ruling Iran is waging a declared war against the people of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. This is an extension of the regime’s war against the Iranian people, who seek to overthrow the dictatorship of supreme leader.

2. Without the all-encompassing meddling of the Iranian regime and Hezb al-Sheytan, which began since the outset of the Syrian uprising, that country’s dictator would have fallen much sooner, thereby considerably reducing the number of casualties.

3. The criminal war of the Iranian regime in Syria is not from a position of strength but results from this regime’s fear of overthrow. The downfall of Assad will be the greatest strategic blow to the mullahs in Iran and will serve as a prelude to the overthrow of the mullahs as well as their puppet government in Iraq. That is why they view the downfall of Damascus as tantamount to Tehran’s downfall.

4. The popular uprising in Syria and their inspirational perseverance in the face of the evil coalition of Bashar Assad, the religious fascism ruling Iran, its puppet government in Iraq and Hezb al-Sheytan presents a new phenomenon in the contemporary world, and this uprising deserves the support of all governments and nations in the region and around the world.

5. The popular uprising in Iraq against the hidden invasion of that country by the clerical regime and its puppet government in Iraq, which has persisted despite suppressive measures over the past six months, must be supported in order to prevent the continuation of suppression and killings in Iraq as well as the escalation of a sectarian conflict, which is what the Iranian regime desires.

6. The Iranian regime and its meddling in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon have no relation or relevance to Islam and the Shiite religion. Khamenei is a criminal who is waging a religious war in order to preserve his malevolent domination and power. The numbers of Shiites who have been martyred by this regime in Iran and Iraq are no less, if not more, than our Sunni brothers and sisters martyred by this regime.

7. The clerical regime, which is surrounded by a range of crises, is weak and is exploiting the extremely weak policies of appeasement by the international community, especially the U.S., to enable it to carry out its illegal intervention in Syria and commit unprecedented massacres. The inaction of global powers in the face of the crimes committed by the regime and its allies in the region, and especially in Syria, is appalling. We demand active political, economic and military support for the Syrian people and the Free Syrian Army as they confront this evil front.

8. The Iranian regime deems the greatest threat to its rule to be the organized opposition, especially the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) particularly in Ashraf and Libery in Iraq. Defending and supporting the residents of Ashraf and Liberty is a humanitarian and Islamic duty, as well as an imperative for confronting the flames of the war that the Iranian regime is waging in an attempt to preserve its rule in such a regional environment. The protection of Liberty residents must be ensured if not they must return immediately to Ashraf. Their protection must be guaranteed and the only solution as our sisters and brothers from all countries have several time declared, is their immediate return to Ashraf. Yes, what that can now guaranty their protection is their immediate return to Ashraf.

9. The regime’s new president is among the senior elements of its war machine and export of terrorism and suppressive apparatus. So far as it concerns the nuclear program and regional meddling, he has no differences with Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And, even in this short period of time, he has spared no opportunity to support the Syrian dictator. We urge Arab governments to avoid harboring any false illusions in this regard and demand a complete halt in relations with the regime. These relationships harm the people of region especially in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and other countries.

10. We call on all regional states and nations to form a united front to confront and defeat the coalition of extremism and fundamentalism led by the Iranian regime, its puppet government in Iraq and the Syrian regime. This is the only option to rid the region of a sectarian and bloody conflict. This is also an imperative for ending the massacre of the people in Syria.

To advance this struggle against fundamentalism front, we need a united front from all the freedom lover peoples in the region to put an end on massacre of the people of Syria, Iraq and Iran and prevent a sectarian massacre in the region.

Fortunately, in our long struggle against the supreme leader’s regime we are not alone, we enjoy the support of sisters and brothers like you that are at the side of the Iranian resistance, particularly the vanguards of Ashraf and Liberty, in hardships.

Once again I thank you all for all your support