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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: 20 arrested in Isfahan clash with state security forces

Iran: 20 arrested in Isfahan clash with state security forces

File photo: People clash with SSF in Hormozgan province
NCRI – Isfahan province residents in Zarin Shahr have clashed with security forces over a state plan to merge parts of their city and neighbouring Lanjan with the city of Foolad Shahr.

Anti-riot police arrested a dozen youths, including a 14-year-old, after protesters sealed the road between Zarin Shahr and Foolad Shahr, near the Isfahan steel melting factory on July 4.

Security forces have since opened the road between the two cities and have released no information about the condition of those arrested, according to reports from inside the regime.

In April, similar clashes broke out between villagers and State Security Forces in the Iranian provinces of Hormozgan and Fars over regional boundary changes.

Furious residents of two villages set fire to the motorbikes of regime agents and blocked a main road in the area.

A number of protesters and security forces were injured in clashes over provincial and county boundary changes, reports said.