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John Bolton: Only toppling Iranian regime will halt nuclear program

NCRI – The belief that the election of Hassan Rohani will have a positive impact on nuclear weapons negotiations is ‘delusional’, the former American ambassador to the UN John Bolton has declared.

The only way to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons is to overthrow Rohani and topple the regime, he told a conference in Paris.

Mr Bolton said: “Many have interpreted Rohani’s election as indicating that there’s a new chance to negotiate with the regime over the nuclear weapons program. This is false. It’s delusional.

“His experience as the regime’s chief nuclear negotiator in 2003 and 2005 was a long record of deceit, deception and delay.”

He accused the regime of ‘dangling in front of the gullible west’ the idea that it would renounce nuclear weapons but would be allowed to continue its uranium enrichment programs.

“We can predict with a near absolute certainty that with Rohani as president, but as he did in 2003 and 2005, taking Khomeini’s direction, that more efforts will be made to induce the West to believe that the uranium enrichment program is being suspended.

“I think this is a time of maximum vulnerability for the West, for the people of Iran, for all of those that don’t want this regime to have nuclear weapons. If we fall for the same line that Rohani peddled successfully ten years ago, we will find that the regime has nuclear weapons in very short order.”

Mr Bolton added: “The only answer is that the policy of the West, and in particular of my country, the United States, has to be not to negotiate with Rohani but to overthrow Rohani.

“The United States and others should provide tangible assistance to the Iranian opposition. We should take care that the regime is not able to use it for its own propaganda purposes, but make no mistake the only long-term solution to the regime’s effort to get nuclear weapons is to change the regime. We have the capability to do it.

“Everybody in this room knows the regime is unpopular. Now is the time not to bend to the regime, not to fall for their lies once again, but to adopt a policy of changing the regime in Tehran.”