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Under Rouhani, Iranian regime will press ahead with violation of Security Council resolutions

The head of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization: Rouhani’s election will not bring any changes in nuclear policies and uranium enrichment will not be stopped

NCRI – Fereydon Abbasi-Davani, the head of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Agnecy acknowledged in St Petersburg, Russia, that under the presidency of Hassan Rouhani, the regime will continue to violate the United Nations’ Security Council resolutions, will continue the enrich uranium and will continue to refine uranium at Fordow.

The state-run Fars news agency, affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards reported on June 28: “The election of Hassan Rouhani as the president will not bring any change to the nuclear policies of the Islamic Republic. We will continue to produce nuclear fuel according to the previously declared goals. Also uranium enrichment linked to the fuel production will not change. Also the activities at Fordow site will continue.”

Quoting Abbasi-Davani , Fars reported about plans for building a 360 megawatt reactor and the construction of a 10 megawatt reactor more advance than the reactor in Tehran.
As the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly warned in the past, the Iranian regime is trying to acquire nuclear weapon as a part of an strategy for survival. Therefore the regime will never abandon its illegal quest for acquiring nuclear weapon. The Iranian regime’s leaders have repeated warned that any retreat in this field will lead to the regime’s downfall.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 29, 2013