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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIranian workers turn May Day into a day of protest against mullahs

Iranian workers turn May Day into a day of protest against mullahs

Iranian workers turn May Day into a day of protest against mullahsNCRI – The demonstration to commemorate May Day by hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers, in Tehran turned into an anti-government protest.

Chanting slogans against the regime’s senior officials, workers thwarted the mullahs’ efforts to exploit the May Day rally as a show of support for their nuclear weapons program.

At the end of the ceremony, the workers displayed their anger and protest towards the mullahs’ anti-labor policies by chanting slogans against the regime, including “down with the Labor Minister” or “incompetence minister, resign.”

The workers jeered and prevented Alireza Mahjoob, a Majlis Deputy and Ali Rabiei, both officials of the government-run Workers” House, from making speeches at the rally.  The workers voiced their discontent chanting, “Incompetent minister, resign,” and called for the release of imprisoned workers by chanting, “Free all jailed workers.”

The Security Forces attacked the protesting workers and arrested a number of them.

The workers also gathered at the headquarters of Tehran Transit Bus Company and called for the release transit workers who have been jailed for weeks.  The Security Forces attacked and beat the protesters, arresting at least 15 of them.

Many university students joined the demonstration to show solidarity with the workers and protested against the regime and its anti-labor policies.  Protesters chanted “laborers, students, we welcome your unity.”

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, congratulated workers in Iran and across the world on May Day. It also condemns anti-human and anti-labor policies of the mullahs’ regime and urges all international labor organizations and labor rights advocates to intervene and prevent the continuation and the escalation in the suppression of workers in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 1, 2006