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Iranian Resistance supporters join Workers Day protests

NCRI – On Wednesday, May 1, supporters of the Iranian Resistance joined Workers’ Day demonstrations in various countries in the world and supported the rights of Iranian laborers and toilers who live in dire conditions.

International Workers’ Day is commemorated while during the past year unemployment has risen in an unprecedented manner and every day dozens of factories in various cities of the country are closed down adding hundreds to the army of unemployed. The religious dictatorship has intensified pressures on laborers to prevent the spread of labor protests while ruthlessly putting down any strikes and demonstrations by them. Despite these measures, many factories are on strike and many workers have been imprisoned. Sattar Beheshti was a young worker who was arrested and murdered under torture in November 2012.

Iranians participated in Workers’ Day demonstrations while in an Iran under the rule of mullahs there are no independent labor syndicates, unions or assemblies and any independent assembly is brutally suppressed.

In Workers’ Day demonstrations on May 1, Iranians underscored that until the religious fascism reigns over Iran, the work and living condition of Iranian worker would only turn worse. The sole solution is the downfall of this regime and establishment of democracy in Iran. Pointing to mullahs’ sham elections in June demonstrators cried the slogan: “Our vote is down with the mullahs” They called for international solidarity with Iranian toilers as well as for defense of rights of Iranian refugees in camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq.

Iranian supporters of the Resistance joined demonstrations in cities, including in Paris (France); Berlin, Koln, Frankfurt (Germany); London (England); Stockholm, Guttenberg, Boras, Copenhagen, Oslo (Scandinavia); Brussels (Belgium); Rome (Italy); Bern (Switzerland); and Vienna (Austria).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 1, 2013