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Bonino appointed foreign minister of Italy

Enrico Letta, Italy’s new centre-left prime minister, has appointed Emma Bonino, a respected former European commissioner, as foreign minister.

Bonino was European commissioner in 1995-99 in the commission of Jacques Santer, with responsibility for health, consumer protection and humanitarian aid. She served as an MEP both before and after her time in the European commission, in 1979-95 and 1999-2006.

She was subsequently minister for foreign trade and for European affairs in the government of Romano Prodi in 2006-08.

Enzo Moavero Milanesi remains minister of European affairs, a position he has held in the Monti government. Moavero Milanesio is a former judge at the European Court of Justice and was previously an official in the European Commission.

Another minister with long Europe experience is defence minister Mario Mauro, a vice-president of the European Parliament in 2004-09 and leader of the Italian centre-right MEPs in 2009-13, when he switched to Monti’s camp.

Source: European Voice