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HomeStatementsStatements: InternationalIranian Resistance strongly condemns al-Maliki’s attempt to arrest Rafi al-Issawi

Iranian Resistance strongly condemns al-Maliki’s attempt to arrest Rafi al-Issawi

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns efforts by al-Maliki and the forces under his command to arrest or assassinate Dr Rafi al-Issawi, an Iraqi national leader, a leader of al-Iraqya Coalition, and the former Minister of Finance.

Such criminal plots are proof of the mullahs’ regime’s intention to keep its surrogate prime minister in power in Iraq, while he is more than ever facing the anger and disgust of the people.

This is also while al-Maliki continues with the suppression and assassination of the leaders and organizers of uprisings in various parts of Iraq, in order to prevent the spread of protests.

When Dr al-Issawi and Dr Ahmad al-Alwani — a member of the Iraqi Parliament — and their company were travelling to the city of Rutbah in western Iraq on Monday March 11, al-Maliki dispatched his special forces supported by helicopters to carry out the operation.

After the attempt was foiled, Rafi al-Issawi said in an interview with al-Arabiya TV: “In order to remain in power, al-Maliki is spilling Iraqi blood and intends to drag the country into a massacre of Sunnis and Shiites.”

Rafi al-Issawi announced his resignation from the post of Finance Minister on March 1 at a public meeting in al-Anbar province and said that he was not willing to be part of a cabinet that had Iraqi blood on its hands.

Previously, Khamenei had expressed his gratitude and praise for al-Maliki for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, for the suppression and expulsion of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), for the suppression of Iraqi national leaders specifically Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, and for supporting the Syrian dictator.

The religious fascism ruling Iran has utilized all Iraq’s capacities to keep the Syrian dictator in power. The Iranian regime is frightened by the spread of popular uprisings in Iraq, and aims to prevent al-Maliki’s downfall, even at the price of a bloodbath.

To maintain peace and security in Iraq, the Security Council must immediately intervene to halt al-Maliki’s criminal actions and prevent him from starting a bloodbath in that country.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 13, 2013