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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsEx-US Commander in Iraq criticizes UN’s Martin Kobler conduct

Ex-US Commander in Iraq criticizes UN’s Martin Kobler conduct

NCRI – The United Nations representative in Iraq Martin Kobler and his wife are ‘parrots’ who repeat everything the Iraqi president Nouri Al-Maliki says, a former US military commander in the region has declared.

Colonel Wesley Martin also branded President Maliki the ‘best ventriloquist in the world’, adding: “Because no matter how far away he gets, every time Martin Kobler opens his mouth, Maliki’s words come out.”

Col Wesley – former chief protection officer for the Coalition Forces in Iraq and commandant in charge of protection of Camp Ashraf – made the scathing attack at conference in Houston, Texas, last week, entitled ‘Iran: Prospects for Democratic Change, U.S. Policy Options’.

He blamed Kobler and Maliki for allowing thousands of members of Iranian opposition the People’s Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to be moved to Camp Liberty, where seven were killed and 100 injured in a rocket attack on February 9.

And he also accused Mailiki of lacking the ability to carry out a proper investigation into the attack – because he already knew who the culprits were.

And he said the US must step in urgently to move the dissidents to safe countries as soon as possible for their own protection.

Col Wesley said: “Right now the United States is looking to other countries to accept the residents. The United States needs to be the first to lead this effort.

“The residents surrendered their weapons to the United States. The residents signed a ceasefire agreement with the United States. The residents received protected persons status from the United States..

“UN Ambassador Martin Kolber and his wife German Ambassador Britta Wagner, have proven themselves to be nothing more than a pair of parrots sitting on Maliki’s shoulder.

“I have also analyzed that Maliki must be the best ventriloquist in the world, because no matter how far away he gets, every time Martin Kobler opens his mouth, Maliki’s words come out.”

Col Wesley said he supported former New York mayor Rudy’s Guiliani’s comments that Liberty was a concentration camp, but he added: “I took it a step further and said it was an extermination camp waiting to happen.

“This last rocket attack proved it is an extermination camp waiting to happen, and as soon as it did happen, what did Martin Kobler, Frau Kobler, and US State Department do?

“They called upon the Maliki government to do an investigation, and as our friends have seen a letter I recently sent to them, Maliki does not investigate Maliki – anymore than Maliki pays for what he can steal.

“And that is what he is trying to do with Camp Ashraf, which is steal it from the residents.  

“The only nation able to carry out this attack is the Iranian Quds force, backed by the Maliki military. That precision, putting those rockets into that Camp, it wasn’t an adjustment of fire, that took a professional military organization.

“Iraqi Hezbollah said we did it, but several months ago the Iraqi Hezbollah said we will do everything we can to protect the regime of Nouri al Maliki, well in this case protecting the regime was taking the blame for something they didn’t do, they didn’t have the capability to do, but trying to get the attention off who really did it.

“That had to be a professional military organization, and it had to be backed up by the Iraqi military, and it had to be done on the real estate of either Camp Victory or Camp Liberty.”

Instead of the US trying to appease the Iranian government, it should now be striving to change that government, Col Wesley said.

He went on: “It is time for the US executive branch to stop praising Maliki, it is time for Maliki to go, and he needs to take his two Kobler parrots with him.

“Maryam Rajavi and the MEK are not after power in Iran, they are after democracy in Iran. Maliki and Khamenei take from the people to build empires cantered on themselves. It is time to allow democracy to take root in Iran, it is time to allow true democracy to take root in Iraq.”