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Khamenei advisor: An attack on Syria means an attack on Iran

– Khamenei has not permitted anyone to negotiate with the US. If an Iranian talks to the Americans, it has no connection to the country’s government

– All government factions are in consensus on the nuclear program

– France departed Mali in 1960. Now that the people are choosing their own path, the French are bombing once again because Mali has oil and territory

NCRI – Ali Akbar Velayati, Khamenei’s advisor and the Iranian regime’s foreign minister for 16 years, has once again emphasized his country’s policies of exporting fundamentalism, interfering with other countries in the region, refusing to negotiate with the US, defying UN Security Council resolutions, and continuing with the regime’s nuclear program.

In a recent interview, he described the Syrian dictatorship as the “golden ring of resistance”, and said: “Attacking Syria means attacking Iran.”

Velayati added: “By attacking Syria, the reactionary forces of the region and the West and those who oppose resistance against the Zionists have attacked the golden ring of resistance. If Syria hadn’t provided logistical support to Hezbollah, Hezbollah and Hamas would not have prevailed in the 33-day and 22-day wars.  Therefore, an attack on Syria would be considered as an attack on Iran and Iran’s allies.”

“The weapons and missiles fired against Israel were provided by Iran,” he said, admitting to flagrant violations of UNSC resolutions.  

“Iran’s goal is to maintain the chain of resistance. This means that Iran supports Palestine, the Lebanese resistance, the government of Syria, the government that emerged in Iraq (for that, read Maliki’s dictatorship) and the emancipation of Iraq from America’s clutches,” he stressed.

“The nuclear program is a key strategic issue for Iran, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will never back down. Everyone is in consensus in this regard,” Velayati said while describing, with demagoguery, the mullahs’ nuclear weapons program as peaceful.

“Fundamental issues and principles of foreign policy are exclusively within Khamenei’s jurisdiction,” he said, adding that to this day he (Khamenei) has not permitted anyone to negotiate with the US and if “anyone who merely has an Iranian ID card talks with the Americans, and they this results in foreign media outlets claiming that Iran and the US are in negotiations, this has nothing to do with the Iranian government.”

Velayati said: “As the leader’s advisor, I say that if the Americans claim to be negotiating with Iran, there is no such thing happening, and even if there was, it has nothing to do with the establishment. We have had no negotiations in Oman or any other place.”

The clerical regime is now pinning its hopes on exploiting developments in North Africa and Mali.

Velayati continued: “France departed Mali in 1960, but now 50 years later, while the people have chosen their own path, the French have started bombing again because Mali has oil and territory.”

Velayati’s aim of defending the chain of terrorism and export of fundamentalism in the region, from Africa to the Middle East, and especially Syria, comes at a time when despite all criminal efforts of the clerical regime, the Syrian dictator is on the verge of his downfall, and the increasing uprisings in Iraqi cities against Iran’s puppet government in Iraq have put the regime on the verge of collapse.  This has brought the prospect of the overthrow of the clerical regime’s overthrow into sight more than ever before.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 28, 2013