Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The war being waged by Iran

By: Yves Bonnet, former Chief of the French Counter-terrorism Organization (DST)
Source: The Huffington Post, January 16, 2013
IRAN – Wars are won less on the battlefield and increasingly in the offices of the intelligence services, in the communications’ interception rooms or in the newsroom. Wars are no longer declared; they emerge and continue to be waged in even the politest exchanges and least controversial issues of our international relations.

We are not (yet) at war with Iran, but we must be acutely aware that the theocratic Iran has meanwhile been waging its own war against us since the MOIS – the country’s Intelligence and Security agency – took over from the SAVAK and then SAVAMA. In other words, since the mullahs’ regime imposed itself on one of the most educated and intelligent populations on Earth.

After ignoring, or pretending to be unaware of this situation, the United States Government has finally woken up to reality and the Pentagon has commissioned a report on the MOIS, the regime’s political police, which has just been published on the website of the Library of Congress.

I myself published a far more substantial book on the subject in April 2009 and since then, my revelations – now confirmed by the US Department of Defence – have been persistently attacked by the regime.

The Iranian theocracy has in the meantime found a senior diplomat and anti-terrorist judge in France willing to support its ideas and interests in this judicial saga – not that that has had any sway at all with the authorities in my country.

I can now see the huge advantage of America’s role in enabling the wide distribution of information to expose and denounce the identities of MOIS agents.

In this way, Anne Singleton, a British citizen, and Mr Massoud Khodabandeh, have been denounced for their activities in support of the Iranian MOIS, especially via their website.  There are many others, some of whom are members of our own security services, but which does seem to bother those concerned in our government at all.  However, their good faith has doubtless been abused and we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

But they should no longer be given the benefit of the doubt in the light of this Amercian report which exposes the level of training being undergone by Iranian MOIS officers, which should be taken as a warning about the strength and immediacy of attacks by the regime.

So should we believe that the MOIS is now focusing on the what it sees as the biggest threats to the regime, and in particular its most dangerous enemy, the People’s Mojahedin?

But threats to the MOIS means threats to the Islamic Republic, and threats to the mullahs means hope for an Iran that deserves all our sympathy for the hardships the people have suffered over the past 30 years. And if the Iranian regime’s enemy, the PMOI (MEK), can establish fundamental guarantees such as respect for human rights, the secularism of the state, and the renunciation of nuclear weapons, who could ask for more?