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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIRGC: By mullahs’ orders, Maliki is supporting Bashar al-Assad and helping Iran...

IRGC: By mullahs’ orders, Maliki is supporting Bashar al-Assad and helping Iran skirt sanctions

Mullahs’ Deputy Parliament Speaker: It is the might of Iran’s armed forces now emerging in Gaza
IRGC news agency:
• Iraq’s policy towards Syria is an integral part of Baghdad’s relations with Iran
• Iraq permits Iranian assistance to cross into Syria… Iraq provides Syria with oil at discounted prices… Iraqi officials allow Iraqi paramilitary forces to go to Syria and support Syrian regime against its opponents… Iraq persistently repeats Iran’s viewpoint
• Iraq plays a role in selling oil and providing foreign currency to Iran so that Iran can acquire goods prohibited by sanctions
• Iran used its influence to support reinstate Maliki against his opposition

In an unprecedented confession, clerical regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC/Pasdaran)  revealed Maliki’s support for the Syrian dictator, dispatch of Iraqi paramilitary forces and sending of arms for suppression of Syrian people, selling cheap oil to Assad by Iraq by orders of the Iranian regime, Iraq’s assistance to the Iranian regime to skirt international sanctions, and Iranian regime instating Maliki as prime minister by using its influence.
Fars news agency affiliated to IRGC wrote on November 17: “Iraq’s policy toward Syria is an integral part of Baghdad’s relations with Iran… this country has established direct relations with the Syrian regime and obstructs entry of Syrian refugees to Iraq… it provides oil to Syria at discounted prices so that the Syrian army can meet its increasing needs… it allows Iraqi paramilitary forces to go to Syria and support the Syrian regime against its opposition… it allows assistance from Iran to reach Syria… it constantly repeats Iran’s viewpoint that what is happening in Syria is an international conspiracy to turn Syria into a suitable place for activities by extremists and a safe haven for al-Qaida.”
As admitted by IRGC, Government of Iraq is offering the most assistance to the Iranian regime in circumventing the sanctions. Fars news agency writes: Government of Iraq “has a role in selling of oil and providing foreign currency to Iran so that Iran can acquire goods prohibited by sanctions. Following visit by Iran’s Defense Minister to Iraq in October, Iran and Iraq initiated cooperation in defense and security realms. Iran’s Defense Minister says: ‘Iraq has a special role in Iran’s foreign policy and its defensive diplomacy.’”
The IRGC news agency explains the reason for so acting as a puppet as: This “started when Iran used its influence in Iraq to support continuation of Maliki’s government as opposed to its opponents both among the Shiites and Iraq’s elites. The outcome of the change in Iraq’s policy and Maliki’s options was the increase in Iraq’s tendency to follow policies of Iran and its regional and international network of allies.” 
In the meantime, Abu Torabi, Deputy Speaker of mullahs’ regime parliament said, “This is the might of Iran’s armed forces now emerging in Gaza that has rendered helpless the Zionist regime; has any doubt left for the world that it has been an achievement of our armed forces that the US war machine ran aground in Iraq.” (FARS news agency, 18 November 2012)
Iranian Resistance has warned since many years ago against the growing influence of the mullahs’ regime in Iraq, and has disclosed the documents in this regard, inter alia, the list of names of 32,000 Iraqi hirelings of the mullahs’ regime. The list was published by the Resistance with many details such as amount of salary, place of mission, bank account, etc. Hundreds of Iraq’s Prime Ministry staff, a big number of security agents and officials, and some of Maliki’s ministers are among that list.
The two savage massacres, four years of inhuman siege, psychological torture, and forcible eviction of Ashraf residents as well as turning Camp Liberty into a prison by the Iraqi government have been carried out at the behest and on the order of Iranian regime.
Confessions by the IRGC is a warning to the world community not to close a blind eye any more to the Iranian regime’s meddling and crimes in countries in the region, especially Iraq and Syria, and to take immediate action to stop this meddling.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
 November 19, 2012