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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistancePMOI delisted while Iran is on the edge of unrests

PMOI delisted while Iran is on the edge of unrests

Translated from French – The French ‘Afrique Asie’ monthly magazine wrote in Iran while the government is on the edge of unrests, the People’s Mojahedin were finally removed from the US list and this resistance movement is shaping the mullahs’ alternative more than ever before.
In its November 2012 edition, Afrique Asie began its article with the demonstrations and uprisings of Bazaar merchants in Tehran.

“Once again Iranians took to the streets. While Iran’s official currency lost 40% of its value last month, tens of thousands of Tehran residents protested the rial value downfall. Despite a violent crackdown, Bazaar merchants with the support of the capital’s southern residents, clashed with security forces with hundreds being arrested.
“In this demonstration dating October 3rd, the protesters’ chants and slogans were not limited to economic restrictions. They also chanted ‘No to the nuclear program’ or targeting the regime’s leader, crying ‘Death to Dictator’, the same slogans of the resistance. This is exactly why the government without delay announced the PMOI organized the uprisings. The next day, on October 4th, journalists from Tehran reported the reaction of a repressive organ, the Society of the Islamic Associations of Tehran’s Guilds and Bazaar, announcing ‘A number of suspects linked to the enemies of Islam sought to close the market by creating fear.’
“According to Reuters’ wired report, this ‘statement also blamed the Iranian dissident group Mujahadin-e Khalq for causing the unrest in Tehran’s bazaar, which spread to surrounding streets where police fired teargas to disperse protesters’.
Reuters reiterates the US State Department removed the group from its official list of terrorist organizations.
“The mullahs’ in their Friday prayers have gone mad against this opposition movement and their anger specifically targeted what occurred in Washington,” Afrique Asie added.
“The State Department bowed to the judicial court ruling obligating it to a revisal of the PMOI designation. A historic victory for the Iranian Resistance at the end of a legal and political journey in Europe and then the US, with many ups and downs. Justice provided a positive answer everywhere to the PMOI’s demands.
“Prior to this officials had admitted to designating this organization at the request of the mullahs. A good will gesture to the mullahs which shaped the West’s appeasement of Tehran.
Unprecedented event in the past 230 years
“No court has ever issued a ruling on an issue so sensitive in foreign policy and national security matters against the State Department. In parallel, a widespread political campaign gathered human rights and political dignitaries, including in the US Congress. The most astonishing bipartisan alliance established in the US in support of the PMOI delisting. Prominent figures such as President Obama’s former national security advisor General James Jones, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Attorney General Judge Michael Mukasey, Patrick Kennedy, former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton and many others called for PMOI’s delisting.
“Hundreds of other figures took similar measures in Europe and the Middle East and demanded an end to appeasement vis-à-vis Tehran’s regime. This policy delivered the heaviest blow to the freedom seeking efforts in Tehran.
That is why Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, announced this delisting will turn the balance against the mullahs’ regime and transform the regional-international-internal challenge in Iran.
“Maryam Rajavi explained we seek a republic based on the vote of the people and free elections, separation of church and state, equality between men and women, annulling the death penalty, pluralism, re-establishing the rights of minorities under repression, equal opportunity for all, a fair and independent judiciary system and a non-nuclear Iran. This is the goal we are struggling for, she added.
“From now on the Iranian Resistance will use its assets to reach its goals. The world might even accept that this path is the only practical solution for Iran and peace in the region.”