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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismKhamenei enraged with PMOI (MEK) delisting

Khamenei enraged with PMOI (MEK) delisting

In remarks directed at Ahmadinejad, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, who is worried about intensifying power struggle within his regime and undermining of his status,  warned: ” Anyone who takes the differences to the public, has betrayed the country”

NCRI – Speaking to a group of members of IRGC and Bassij described as students, while clearly he was frightened from the deep consequences of the delisting of PMOI and its effects on the regime forces, Khamenei said: “Fighting against terrorism is one of the values that the US government claims adheres to, but this has reached to a point where the US government allies itself with terrorists and supports the PMOI (MEK) terrorist group and removes them from the so-called black list”.

Unable to hide his concerns over intensified power struggle within his regime that clearly puts his status within the regime under question, Khamenei said: “One of the damaging issues is the differences between authorities and worse is taking the differences to the public … I warn authorities and heads of government branches to be careful and not to take differences to the public.”

In remarks that were directed at Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ regime president, Khamenei said: “Recent letter writings and their contents are not an important issue at all, but these difference of opinions should not be taken to the people and provide ammunitions for foreign media and enemies… Provoking people’s sentiments to create differences is a betrayal of the country.”

Terrified by the heightening of social uprisings during next Iranian regime’s presidential elections, Khamenei said: “From now until the election day, anyone who tries to take the differences to the people and use their sentiments towards the differences certainly is betraying the country.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 31, 2012