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Kidnapping attempt on the route of the seventh convoy from Ashraf to Liberty

Two notorious Iraqi officers accompanied by agents of the terrorist Quds Force
attacked 10 of Ashraf residents and attempted to kidnap them

During the course of the move of the seventh convoy of Ashraf residents to Liberty, at 1:15 Am, Sunday, September 16, Major Ahmad Khuzayr and captain Heydar Azab Mashi, who were both implicated in April 2011 and July 2009 massacres of Ashraf residents, accompanied by agents of the terrorist Quds Force and the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, including Mohammad Akbarzadeh and Mohammad Karim Fanoodi, attacked the residents who are accompanying the last cargo trucks. The objective of the attack was to pull down the victims from the trucks and to kidnap them. The assailants attacked the victims by stones, wood, and metal bars and tried to pull them out of the trucks and to kidnap them.

During this terrorist attack, 10 of Ashraf residents were beaten up. Three of the residents, Ahmad Madelat, Saeed Hosseini, and Medhi Sabet were injured in their foreheads, face, arms, knees ,and legs. The nose of Ahmad Madelat was broken. A number of the residents  were transferred to a hospital in Baghdad.

Major Ahmad Khuzayr stopped a cargo truck first and forced it to stop. Subsequently,  he intimated the driver, and tried to silence him.  At the same time, the agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and the terrorist Quds Force attacked the victims to force them to come down from the trucks.

Notorious, Ahmad Khuzayr and Heydar Azab, who is summoned by the Spain’s National Court for his crimes at Ashraf, kept shouting and threatened the passengers to death. When the attempt to kidnap the passengers failed, the assailants stole the victims’ belongings.
The Iranian Resistance warns on terrorist crimes of the Iranian regime and its agents in Iraq, in particular under UNAMI monitoring and on the verge of piling up all of Ashraf residents at Liberty Prison, calls for urgent action by the UN Secretary General, the US, and the EU.

The Iranian Resistance also, while expressing its strongest protest to this criminal act, calls for arrest and punishment of the masterminds and perpetrators of this crime and an explanation by Martin Kobler and UNAMI monitoring. On May 4, when six utility vehicles of the fifth convoy of Ashraf residents who were going to Liberty and UNAMI was monitoring the transfer, were diverted from the middle of the way, Mr. Kobler remained silent. The Iranian resistance warned at the time that the silence of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General paves the way for further crimes. The time has come for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to assign a competent representative to investigate the terrorist attack on Sunday morning.

 Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
   September 16, 2012