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Falsification and distortion of Statements Made by the UN Secretary General and Egyptian President should be condemned by international community

Censorship, blatant falsification and distortion of statements made by and attributed to the meeting’s participants, including the UN Secretary General (UNSG) and Egyptian President, is an unprecedented deceit  by the mullahs’ regime’s which should be strongly condemned by international community.

Translation of speeches were completely controlled and done by members of  state security and repression apparatus. Portions of speeches that somehow were opposing the regime’s policies  were entirely omitted and replaced by totally different statements. In some cases several paragraphs of fabricated statements in support of regime’s policies were added to the speech. Furthermore, by inserting or omitting words throughout a large part of the speech, it was rendered devoid of the stated meaning. The original UNSG speech is enclosed.


1- The following phrases were either added to UNSG speech or the translations were completely different:
• I ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to continue, as it has been in the past, to be transparent in its actions specially on the nuclear issue and to take actions in building ever more trust towards attaining its goals for having peaceful nuclear energy. I have to also point out that the cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the IAEA has been constructive, helpful and positive.
• Please recall that the Islamic Republic of Iran as   a member of the United Nations and a member of the IAEA  has taken  positive steps in regards to peaceful nuclear energy as wel as through not having any unconventional weapons.
• I believe we could have created better solutions and in this case I believe that the Syrian government should adhere to certain principles that keep it clear of many issues so as not to give any excuses to some countries.

2- These parts of UNSG’s speech were completely deleted in translating to Farsi:
•    as I have repeatedly stated around the world — I strongly reject threats by any Member State to destroy another, or outrageous attempts to deny historical facts, such as the Holocaust. Claiming that another United Nations Member State, Israel, does not have the right to exist, or describing it in racist terms, is not only utterly wrong, but undermines the very principles we have all pledged to uphold
• But prevention starts at home — by strengthening democratic institutions, safeguarding human rights, ensuring popular participation and guaranteeing the rule of law.
• Syria is only the latest example of what happens when that truth is ignored. The crisis in Syria started with peaceful demonstrations that were met by ruthless force. Now we face the grim risk of long-term civil war destroying Syria’s rich tapestry of communities. Those who provide arms to either side in Syria are contributing to the misery. Further militarization is not the answer. The situation cannot be resolved with the blood and the bodies of more than 18,000 people and counting. There should be no more bullets and bombs. I urge all parties, in the strongest possible terms, to stop the violence now. The Syrian Government has the primary responsibility to resolve this crisis by genuinely listening to the people’s voices.
• Our diplomatic efforts will be led by the Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States, Lakhdar Brahimi. He will need the united support of the international community. And all who have influence must be part of the solution to this crisis and work in close cooperation with the Joint Special Representative.
• Let me also note that efforts to create a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction are under way. Let us remember that it was Iran itself, 38 years ago, that proposed the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East. As Secretary-General, I am absolutely committed to achieving a world free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. I also share your desire to strengthen controls against the illicit arms trade. Let us keep working for these common goals.

3- Examples of parts of speeches that were omitted or distorted in favor of Mullah’s
“We see far too many political disputes within and between states in the Non-Aligned Movement. I am concerned, for example, with the failure of Sudan and South Sudan to finalize their borders and prevent further bloodshed.”
Regime’s translation in Farsi: 
As an example I point to Sudan and North Sudan. The United Nations worked very hard to make sure that despite the breaking up of Southern Sudan from Northern Soudan there was no bloodshed. This created a suitable situation in Sudan.
Also the speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi did not escape the sharp blade of Iranian regime’s censorship.
State-run Baztab website wrote on August 30: “At the beginning of Morsi’s speech, the state television interpreter changed Morsi’s statements through replacing Syria by Bahrain while Morsi did not talk about Bahrain.”
Meanwhile, as the Egyptian President who criticized “the despotic Syrian regime” and stressed on the need for “fully supporting the people’s movement” the state-run news agency Mehr, affiliated to the regime Ministry of Information and Security, quoted him as saying : “At the 16th meeting of the Non-Aligned countries in Tehran, the Egyptian President pointed out the plots against Syria and stressed that ‘we must be hopeful that the popular ruling regime will remain in power and we must do our utmost efforts in order to make reform in Syria a reality. This is our duty and our line and strategy.’ ”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Septembert 3, 2012