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The mullahs’ regime fear of the solidarity between the Iranian resistance and people and the Syrian uprising

Recommendation of the mullahs to the Assad regime to create a prison like Liberty to contain the opponents

The mullahs’ regime admitted that the aim for creating Liberty prison was to “contain” Ashraf residents and to ensure that the ruling mullahs were spared from the Iranian people’s organized resistance, and recommended to Bashar Assad regime to do the same. (ISNA state run news agency July 29, 2012).

Another state run website wrote in this regard that the western countries “are not prepared to provide financial and military support for the Mojahedin”, and those who have been transferred from Ashraf to Liberty in several occasions are suffering from water and electricity shortage in Iraq’s boiling 51 C temperature. (Reporters’ Club site, July 28)

Meanwhile the mullahs’ regime, fearful of the solidarity between the Iranian resistance and people and the Syrian people and uprising, declared that Mojahedin’s goal was “to satisfy their criminal and killing instinct and due to their joyfulness from disruption of security of the people of a territory, and pistil dueling in streets and districts”, and referring to the Syrian opposition in a subtle guidance to Bashar Assad regime, wrote: “Terrorists in Syria probably will be contained after a while in a camp like Liberty so that the people are spared from their mischief”   (ISNA state run news agency July 29, 2012). This news agency in a flagrancy that is unique to the mullahs ruling Iran claimed called the uprising of millions of Syrians as “moves of terrorist groups” and “extremist and hardline groups present in Syria who are mainly AlQaeda and non-Syrians”. From this regime’s point of view, Islam and God are nicknames of Khamenei and its hated regime and “people” is the nickname for Bashar Assad and his bloodthirsty band,

On July 23, Mrs. Rajavi said in a gathering of the Iranian resistance in solidarity with the Syrian people’s movement: ” The mullahs ruling Iran … are using all their power to interfere in Arab and Muslim countries and these days particularly  to maintain Syrian bloodthirsty dictator. They fear that with the overthrow of the Assad regime, the geopolitics of the region will turn in favour of the democratic forces and against the Velayat Faqih regime, and the mullahs’ plots to export fundamentalism will wash away.  But the will of the people of the region from Iran to Arab and Muslim countries is to end dictatorship particularly the dictatorship of the Velayat Faqih (Supreme Leader).” Mrs. Rajavi called all Muslims and the people the world over to help the Syrian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2012