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Government of Iraq intends to plunder 500 million Dollarsof movable and immovable properties of Ashraf residents

• More than 2000  lawyers and jurists  from Iraq and 9 other Arabic countries  join representatives of Ashraf residents in condemning plundering of belongings of Ashraf residents and denial of the right of ownership of Ashraf and Liberty residents.
• Special Representative of UN Secretary General (SRSG) should explicitly declare that Government of  Iraq  is not allowed to prevent the entry of merchants and buyers of vehicles and properties  into Ashraf.

• Martin Kobler and UNAMI  should not act as elements of pressure on behalf of the Government of Iraq and the mullahs’ regime against Iranian opposition

Following seven months of useless talks, daily correspondence and emails regarding the sale of properties of  Ashraf  residents, contrary to all previous  agreements,  on Saturday  July 21, 2012 UNAMI informed the representatives of the residents that :
– There is no possibility of transferring the properties to Iraqi Kurdistan or another country as requested by the residents;
– The International Organization for Migration, which provides necessary services for transfer of properties, will not involve itself on this case that requires serious undertaking by the UNAMI’s chief and the agreement of the Government of Iraq;
– Government of Iraq will only allow the merchants who are approved by her to engage in deals and to enter Ashraf.
– UNAMI is even incapable of bringing a surveyor for pricing the properties of Ashraf residents and does not involve itself on this matter.

Whilst in a letter to the residents on  December 28, 2011, Mr. Kobler wrote: “With regard to other issues, such as assets and properties, we will continue the discussion towards reaching a solution that respects the property rights of the residents in an organized way under Iraqi law”.

Moreover, the political advisor to Maliki on  January 25, 2012 and February 6 and 12 2012, on behalf of the Government of Iraq and in the presence of  SRSG and his deputy Gyorgy Busztin had stated  to Ashraf representatives  the Government of Iraq’s  agreement  to the sale of properties and cars.
Martin Kobler in eight draft letters and also in the letter of April 21, 2012 reiterated that “The residents consider moving major parts of their movable property to a safe location outside Iraq or sell it”.
Ashraf residents, in order to facilitate immediate relocation from Ashraf to Liberty, had signed an agreement with an Iraqi merchant in past April with  55 percent discount to solve the issue of moveable and immovable properties of the residents.  But the government of Iraq prevented the down payment by the merchant and put the merchant under its control and used him against Ashraf residents.

According to obtained information, Qassem Soleimani , the commander of the Quds Force , has ordered the regime’s Iraqi agents that “with respect to advertisements and  continued complaints of the Monafeqin ( the derogatory  term used by Mullahs’ regime to describe  the PMOI ) on the sale of their properties,  as a last resort  the cooperative merchant can enter indirectly into this deal on a maximum price of 7 billion Iraqi dinars.”  Now the Government of Iraq  intends, by paying 5-6 million Dollars through the “cooperating merchant”,  to impose on the residents  the issue of Ashraf properties and belongings,  worth 500 million Dollars, by using Kobler and UNAMI.

Subsequent to Mr Kobler’s report in the UN Security Council in which he expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Government of Iraq and stressed that Iraq’s patience is ” wearing thin,” expecting the issue of properties and belongings to be resolved by this government and the facilitator of its suppressive policies against the Iranian opposition is futile.  There has been no progress over the issue of the sale of properties, despite numerous and repeated  letters and promises, over the past seven months. If Mr Kobler had impartially reported the truth about the events and the developments to the Security Council, the situation would have been totally different . The International Committee In Search of Justice has announced that Mr Kobler has no mandate other than  making defenceless Ashraf residents forcibly homeless and to dump them in Liberty prison.

On  July 21,  in a statement , 2028 lawyers from Iraq and nine other Arabic countries, in solidarity with Ashraf representatives , strongly  condemned  plundering properties of Ashraf residents and denying the right of ownership of Ashraf and Liberty residents and announced that resumption of the relocation will only take place after the implementation of the 10 demands of the residents and in particular solving the issue of their properties.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 22, 2012