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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsArabic and Iraqi support for Ashraf and Liberty residents

Arabic and Iraqi support for Ashraf and Liberty residents

Association of Egyptian Jurists in Defense of Ashraf
inhumane pressures against Ashraf and Liberty residents.
Egyptian Lawyers Society: The inhumane measures of the Iraqi Government against Camp Liberty residents are carried out at the behest of the clerical regime in Iran. The Egyptian Lawyers Society in defense of Ashraf residents calls on the UN, EU and US to immediately intervene to end these measures.

Arabic Lawyers Association in Defense of Camp Liberty Residents:
The violation of Camp Liberty residents’ rights, through preventing the entrance of food stuff is more than ever serious. Arabic lawyers urge all countries and international organizations to adopt a strong stance to ensure their rights under Article 25 of the 1948 International Human Rights Program.
Iraqi Kurdish Writers Society: While condemning the prevention of food stuff from entering Camp Liberty, we urge the US Government to persuade the Iraqi Government to abide by its agreements and respect international and human rights laws. Without a doubt, the implementation of the Washington, DC Court of Appeals order by the State Department is an important factor in reaching a peaceful solution.
Free Iraq Youths Society: The Ashraf residents are cherished guests of the Iraqi people and such inhumane treatment towards them is completely intolerable and unacceptable. We urge that as an important and necessary step the public service problems regarding Camp Liberty, such as water and electricity, be resolved immediately.
Iraq’s Diyala Province City Councils: Univocal with the voice of 70 Iraqi MPs, we reiterate that unless Camp Liberty is recognized and announced as a UN camp, the Ashraf residents’ relocation project must be halted.   
Diyala’s Free Workers Society: For over 25 years we have lived with the Iranians settled at Ashraf and during this time we have seen nothing but kindness and friendship from them. We announce our absolute opposition to the failed relocation project of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty and recognize the US responsible for the protection of these residents.