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Statement of the US State Department spokesperson and rush briefing sessions around evacuation of Ashraf without minimum humanitarian guarantees, is a harmful stimulus,

Statement of the US State Department spokesperson and rush briefing sessions around evacuation of Ashraf without minimum humanitarian guarantees, is a harmful stimulus, free prepaid and fruitless appeasement of the religious fascism on the eve of Moscow nuclear talks

The residents of Ashraf and their representatives have demonstrated their utmost goodwill on five different occasions with the transfer of two-thirds of the residents of Ashraf to Camp Liberty. They are anxiously awaiting the implementation of the commitments of the Iraqi government as the statement by the Department of States underscores.

Spokespersons of the State Department try in vain that with changing the issue, simultaneous with the nuclear negotiations with the regime in Moscow, to connect the halt of transfer of sixth convoy from Ashraf to liberty, that has been going on for a month and a half, to the understanding of PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran of the judgment of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and Maliki’s shaky situation in Iraq.
This is not however the main issue. The principal issue, around which negotiations have been going on for months, is the minimum guarantees and the residents’ legitimate and rational demands that have existed more than a year and declared in hundreds of statements and positions.
These demands have been on the table before the judgment of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and before Maliki’s political situation in Iraq and are not new. The realization of these demands has been in each turn deferred to the movement of the next convoy. Nevertheless, the judgment by the court makes the removal of the designation of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) which has acted as the most important pretext for the Iraqi government two previous massacres, appropriate.
The principle difficulty is the non-implementation of the previous commitments and agreements by the Iraqi government and the UNAMI chief Martin Kobler. Hundreds of letters, individually and collectively, by the residents as well as dozens of  letters by the representatives of Ashraf in Iraq and abroad to Mr. Kobler, to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Ambassador Dan Fried as well as repeated violations of these agreements by the Iraqi government attest to this reality.
The residents’ request for the US to inspect Camp Ashraf is to prevent the Iraqi government and the Iranian regime’s operatives in Iraq from stage managing of finding ammunitions and explosives at Camp Ashraf once the residents leave. For this reason, the representative of the residents of Ashraf wrote to Secretary of State’s Special Adviser on Ashraf on June 17, 2012 that while we do not believe the inspection of Ashraf as being difficult for the US government, if no inspection of Ashraf is possible as a confidence building measure for groups leaving Ashraf to Liberty from now on, for their families and Iranian community, at a minimum ensure that the path for further abuse and claims by the Iranian and Iraqi governments are adequately closed and there will be no room for known stage managing and potential claims. It was the lawyer representing the State Department during the May 8th hearing before the Court of Appeals who claimed that they could not verify that Ashraf was fully disarmed and consequently drew angry reaction of the US commanders responsible for protection of Ashraf who have had inspected buildings and land of Ashraf several times.
Now we welcome that Ms. Victoria Nuland, official spokesperson of the State Department in her statement of June 18, recognized the reinspection of Ashraf unnecessary and stressed that requests for inspection of Ashraf from the State Department as a precondition for the transfer of next groups to Liberty, is a deviation from the path.
If this means agreement of the State Department with voiding its lawyer’s claim and agreement with the court’s decision in this regard, it’d rather say so clearly.
In the court’s decision based on the testimony of the commanders responsible for protection of Ashraf, lawyer’s claim was ignored. Otherwise the court would have ordered the inspection of the camp.
The court, also, did not link the evacuation of Ashraf and delisting, and has not connected these two issues together. Conditioning and relating these two issues together is only a political issue in order to circumvent the judicial order and towards the policy of appeasing the mullahs’ regime.
On June 15, Mrs. Rajavi wrote to Mr. Kobler, “You would recall that since last December, I have been asking for a comprehensive document for relocation arrangement; a document in which everything would be resolved. But every time we went through a painful and crisis process. The time has come that in our meeting, everything be settled between us and the SRSG in a joint statement and in a number of Articles, so all of the Ashraf residents would go to Liberty and subsequently to third countries while being content and satisfied that their minimum rights have been observed and met”.
Mrs. Rajavi, had earlier urged Mr. Kobler to issue a statement either himself  or agree to one issued by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), after which he could meet with Mrs. Rajavi on June 17.
The residents of Ashraf and their representatives have demonstrated their utmost goodwill on five different occasions with the transfer of two-thirds of the residents of Ashraf to Camp Liberty. They are anxiously awaiting the implementation of the commitments of the Iraqi government as the statement by the Department of States underscores.
In this situation it seems that some statements  and briefings of the State Department on Ashraf and that the residents have to immediately resume their cooperation with Kobler ad the Iraqi government, serve only to ease up the atmosphere of Moscow negotiations. A free down payment by the State Department to appease the ruling mullahs in Ira, at the cost of the Iranian resistance and Mojahedin in the lection year in the US is as futile as before.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 18, 2012