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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyLooting of Liberty trailers and intensified water shortage crisis

Looting of Liberty trailers and intensified water shortage crisis

Camp Liberty – No.30

NCRI – Iraqi forces on the order of Sadiq Mohammad Kazim, the Iraqi government representative in Liberty, have looted a large number of the camp’s trailers in recent weeks. As it is shown in the attached pictures, a complete row of trailers in section 5 as well as hygienic trailers of section 4 have been removed. This is while the existing trailers in Liberty are not enough for the settlement of the residents and they suffer greatly from lack of space.

The suppression committee claims that each section of Liberty can house 800 people but in reality the infrastructure and capacity of the trailers can accommodate 400 people at best.

Despite the objection of the residents, Sadeq and his staff have already removed Liberty’s protective T-walls and sold them.

Water crisis has intensified in Liberty. Water tankers frequently wait for hours at the exit of Liberty so that Iraqi forces can escort them out. Warming of the weather, increased population and preventing the transfer of water tankers of the fifth group. Has added to the water shortage crisis and the Iraqi government continues to reject connecting of the Liberty water supply to the city’s main or pumping the water from adjacent channel.

In another development, despite passing of 55 days of Mr. Bardia Motowfi’s death, which occurred during the transfer of third group of Ashraf residents to Liberty due to exhaustion and pressure on the eve of Nowrouz (Iranian new year), the Iraqi government in an inhumane act refuses to hand over his body to his family in Liberty.  It is speculated that the Iraqi government intends to clear this issue with the embassy of the religious fascism ruling Iran. This is while Mr. Mostowfi is a political refugee in Germany and was recognized as a protected person under the Fourth Geneva Convention in 2004. Any involvement of te Iranian regime and its embassy in this issue is illegal and a despicable dance for the ruling henchmen of Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 14, 2012