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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsA unanimous and undisputed No to the Mullah’s election show in Tehran

A unanimous and undisputed No to the Mullah’s election show in Tehran

Elections- No. 4

NCRI – Reports from inside the regime are frequently expressing concern about banning the election in various polling booths in Tehran and other cities in the country. In various polls in Shemiranat, including Gholhak, Zarin Golab- Lavizan- Parkway Crossing- Aghdasieh- Niavaran- Sahebgharanieh- Jamaran- Dezashib- Saa’d Abad- Golab Dareh- Manzarieh- Za’faranieh- Velenjak- Asad-Abad- Ekhtiariyeh- Elahiyeh- Gheitariyeh- Chizar- Rostam Abad- Mahmoudieh, etc. the people have unanimously said No to the Mullahs regime and its forgery election. This is while since days ago, the regime tugs in Shemiranat region, particularly in Lavasan, had taken down banner and posters and had erased popular slogans that called for a ban on election from the street walls.


The Ballet booths in Azadi Square, Saa’dat Abad, Shahrake Gharb, Satarkhan, Shahr Ara, Tohid Square in West of Tehran to Narmak in East of the city were very empty of voters. The regime had prevented journalists from going to various polls in order to hide this embarrassment, and had only taken them to Majlis  Nabi and Hosseinieh Ershad on a controlled manor. However, despite hard efforts and despite bringing number of its tugs, it failed in showing crowded polling booths.

Agents of the regime took various measures to obtain even one more vote.  Representatives of the regime in Eslamshahr province had promised those working in the polling booths, that if more people would participate, they will have the opportunity to travel to Mashhad for free.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran
2 March, 2012