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Iran: 43 executions since the beginning of the year

Religious fascism ruling Iran resorts to more bloodshed in order to prevent its inevitable demise

NCRI – The mullahs’ Supreme Leader, in the midst of increasing internal power struggle and in fear of popular   protests on the eve of mullahs’ election show and its inevitable overthrow, has resorted to increased open suppression, executions and setting up gallows in various cities across the country.
In a brutal act on Sunday January 15, the mullahs’ regime henchmen hanged 12 prisoners in Shiraz. According to the Revolutionary Guards News Agency (FARS), five prisoners were hanged in various parts of Shiraz and the other seven were hanged in Shiraz Adel Abad prison.

In the past few days also 2 prisoners in Tehran’s Evin prison (January 11), one prisoner in a village in Gashsaran publicly (January 7), one prisoner in Varamin’s Khorwin and three prisoners in Kermanshah publicly (January 7) had been hanged.

As such the number of executions since the beginning of the year has reached 43. The mullahs’ regime has not published the specifications of many of executed persons who are mostly young. Many political prisoners are executed as regular criminals.

Meanwhile the officials of the regime, high and low, including Mullah Larijani, the head of regime’s criminal judiciary, constantly threaten people with “iron fist”.
The Iranian Resistance insists that  to stop this ongoing criminal path, a strong and binding action from the UN Security Council and imposing comprehensive sanctions against the regime and prosecuting its leaders for crimes against humanity is needed.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 15, 2012