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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsAshton calls for cooperation with UN to resolve Camp Ashraf problem

Ashton calls for cooperation with UN to resolve Camp Ashraf problem

BRUSSELS, Dec 17 (Kuwait News Agency – KUNA) — EU High Representative Catherine Ashton has praised the ongoing efforts of Martin Kobler, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), to find an urgent solution for an orderly departure of the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq before the end of this year.

“It is now essential that all concerned parties show flexibility and cooperate fully and constructively with the UN in this process, which offers the only available prospect for a safe way forward,” said Michael Mann, spokesman of Ashton in a statement.

The EU foreign policy chief reiterated her call on the government o

f Iraq to continue its discussions with Kobler in order to come to an acceptable solution.

She also called on the Ashraf Camp residents and their leadership, as well as on EU Member States and third countries to cooperate fully and without delay with the UN plan.

“All parties, and all those who have any influence upon them, must make the security and safety of the residents their utmost priority,” added the statement.

Camp Ashraf is home to the Iranian dissident group called the MKO.