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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceIranian regime considers acquiring nuclear weapons an imperative to prevent its overthrow

Iranian regime considers acquiring nuclear weapons an imperative to prevent its overthrow

NCRI – As the new IAEA report is about to be released, the Iranian Resistance emphasized this reality that there should be no doubt about the military nature of clerical regime’s nuclear projects and that it is working full force  on all aspects of its nuclear projects and experiments to acquire nuclear weapon.

According to reports obtained from inside the clerical regime, with recent regional developments, especially as the uprisings against the Libyan dictator started, Supreme Leader Khamenei came to the conclusion that attaining nuclear weapon is the sole probable option to secure his ragged and faltering regime and, therefore, expedited its nuclear projects.


The project to acquire nuclear weapon is controlled in a headquarters headed by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Mahanadi. The name of this center is constantly changed to keep secret its activities.
Numerous documents proving that the Iranian regime pursues acquiring nuclear weapon carry signatures of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and are kept in a center named as ‘Amad’ (logistics). The ‘Amad’ center or ‘Mojdeh site’ is the same center that since March 2011 has been named as SEPAND (New Defense Researches Organization) and functions under IRGC supervision.

This center was first stationed at the Shian-Lavisan Site in Tehran and was revealed by the Iranian Resistance in May 2003. Following this revelation, the regime thoroughly destroyed this center and razed and replaced the soil to hide traces of enriched uranium. Following the disclosure of the Shian Site, the activities of this center was transferred to the Mojdeh site (Lavisan-2) adjacent to the Malek Ashtar University and other centers affiliated to it.

The role and identity of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a veteran member of IRGC, was revealed by the Iranian Resistance in 2004.

In 2004, the Iranian Resistance also revealed that the Parchin Site in Tehran plays a significant role in Iran’s nuclear program. A section called Plan-1 of the Site is concentrated on laser enrichment. In 2005, the Iranian regime took the IAEA inspectors to another location named as Plan-10 of Parchin site in a bid to deceive them and hence prevented them from inspecting other parts of the site.
In February 2008, the Iranian Resistance disclosed the center for design and production of nuclear warheads in Khojair Site east of Tehran as well as its various sections and specialists that work on these warheads, including the role of North Korean experts.

In September 2009, the Iranian Resistance revealed that researches and experiments for production of nuclear detonators are being conducted at a site called Metfaz ( located at the end of Babai Rd. along the river beside the village of Sanjarian). This site is one of the clandestine compounds that work under supervision of Mojdeh Site (the Amad site which is currently called SEPAND). In the same revelation, it was disclosed that in a section of Parchin Site, tests for high-intensity explosions related to nuclear weapons are being conducted.
Once again, the Iranian Resistance emphasizes this solid reality that the one and only way to prevent the clerical regime from acquiring nuclear weapon is through adoption of a resolute policy by the international community. When back in 2002, the Iranian Resistance informed the world about regime’s nuclear sites in Arak and Natanz with no uncertainty about the intent of the regime to achieve nuclear weapons capability, instead of a firm policy the western countries resorted to a policy of appeasement and negotiations which was the best assistance to the regime to attain nuclear bomb.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 8, 2011