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Committee tasked with suppression of Ashraf in Iraqi Prime Ministry intensifies pressures and inhumane siege on Ashraf

Camp Ashraf Military Occupation – No. 151

Prevention of entry of fuel, psychological torture of patients, refusing to handover bodies of Ashraf’s deceased, and the return of a head henchman

NCRI – The Committee tasked with suppression of Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry has intensified its suppression, inhumane siege, and pressures against Ashraf residents.
1. Based on reports obtained from inside the mullahs’ regime, Lieutenant Haydar Azab Mashi, who played an active role in the July 2009 and April 2011 massacres and other violent intrusions against Ashraf, is to return back to Ashraf as an intelligence officer with a higher rank to intensify suppression and control of residents.


He is among criminals summoned to the Spanish National Court for crime against humanity, war crime, and crime against international community. He has been recently transferred to Ashraf.

2. A few days ago, one of the women suffering from epilepsy with a medical file in the Baquba Hospital was taken to the New Iraq Hospital on an emergency basis due to an epileptic attack to be transferred to Baquba for treatment. Instead of her urgent transfer to Baquba, the Iraqi forces claimed that she is not sick, but that she has been beaten by other residents. However, after she was finally transferred to Baquba Hospital, the physician there confirmed that she has had a history of epilepsy and after two days of treatment she is released from the hospital.

Upon her return to Ashraf, a  physician at the torture center called ‘The New Iraq Hospital’ takes her to two Iraqi officers who pressure her to confess that she has been beaten up in Ashraf and encourage her to leave Ashraf. These two officers connect her via a telephone to a Farsi speaking person who repeats this same nonsense. However, when the patient and her interpreter vehemently protest this behavior, they are forced to release her.
3. On Thursday, October 20, once again Iraqi forces prevented the entry of two kerosene tankers to Ashraf. This is while kerosene consumption for water heaters and kerosene-consuming heaters dramatically increases with the beginning of the cold season. Since February 2011, the Committee tasked with suppression of Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry has not allowed a single drop of gasoline to enter Ashraf and now, they have added kerosene to the list of prohibited items.
4. Despite the fact that a month has passed since the death of Ms. Zahra Hosseini Mehr-Sefat, member of the PMOI Leadership Cadre and member of National Council of Resistance of Iran, the Committee tasked with suppression of Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry continues its refusal to deliver her body to her family in Ashraf. Ms. Mehr-Sefat passed away in a hospital in Baghdad on September 21 due to delays in her treatment caused by Iraqi forces. This is while, on October 9, the judge of Khalis (the town south of Ashraf) has issued the burial certificate and ordered the transfer of the body to Ashraf. Ms. Mehr-Sefat’s brother who is a resident of United States has officially asked for her body to be delivered to her relatives in Ashraf and to be buried as soon as possible. International, Arab and Iraqi lawyers have also asked the Iraqi High Judicial Council and international authorities to end this antihuman and anti-Islamic behavior and to deliver the body to her relatives in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 21, 2011