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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Mullahs’ regime excuted 100 prisoners in September

Iran: Mullahs’ regime excuted 100 prisoners in September

NCRI – State-run ISNA news agency, reported on October 3 that 7 individuals who were detained in cities of Abadeh, Neyriz, Kazeroun, Bovanat and Shiraz were executed in Shiraz after their verdicts were reviewed, confirmed and reissued by the General Prosecutor.

In another occasion, Mullah Jafari, regime’s prosecutor in Sari in northern Iran, refrained from revealing the name of the victim that was hanged in that city.


According to a communiqué by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the number of executions in Iran in the month of September has come up to 100 people. As such, 8 more victims were added to the crime book of dictatorial regime of the mullahs.

Condemning the crimes of the unleashed dictatorial monster of Iran, the Iranian Resistance is calling upon UN Secretary General, Human Rights High Commissioner, other UN organs and all human rights societies to condemn such criminal acts in Iran. The Resistance is demanding immediate action to put a halt on the growing number of executions. The only viable method to confront this barbaric regime is to adopt a firm international policy against it and to exclude it from the international community.