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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsNorth Korean experts aiding Iran's missile production - Abedini

North Korean experts aiding Iran’s missile production – Abedini

North Korean experts aiding Iran's missile production - AbediniNCRI – In a press conference in London on Monday, the representative office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran unveiled Iranian regime’s program to produce missiles carrying warheads. The following is a report by the Associated Press on Iranian Resistance’s revelations:

An Iranian exile group claimed Monday that Tehran is hiding more than 300 long-range missiles in two Iranian towns and that North Korean weapons experts are aiding the country in their missile production.

The group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, claimed that an increase of production of the warhead-carrying missiles is "taking the international community to the brink and are leading the developments to war."

The NCRI _ linked to Mujahedeeen Khalq, a group that Washington and the European Union list as a terrorist organization  has a mixed record of accuracy.

Three years ago, the group disclosed information about two hidden nuclear sites that helped uncover nearly two decades of covert Iranian activity, and sparked present fears that Tehran wants to build a bomb. But most of the information the group has presented since has not been publicly verified.

The group claims North Korean experts in guidance system, warhead production, missile fuel systems and explosion and blast systems are working with Iranian officials at the Hemmat Missile Industries Complex, northeast of Tehran, to develop a new ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers (1,900 miles). The North Koreans worked with Iran on another, US$1 billion (570 million pounds, 830 million euro) missile project up until this summer, the group claims, when two tests for a long-range missile the Shahab 4 failed and the project was scrapped.
"The North Korean experts are based in Iran for a long period of time and reside in a hotel in Hemmat complex and in residential areas of military complexes," said Hossein Abedini, a member of the group’s foreign affairs committee. "In order to prevent the information to leak out, the clerical regime does not allow them to reside outside of the military complexes."

Repeated requests for comment from the Iranian Embassy in London were not returned Monday.