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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIf Ahmadinejad's behaviour with entourage does not change, it may lead to...

If Ahmadinejad’s behaviour with entourage does not change, it may lead to his removal- mullah Zolnour

NCRI – The former representative of reactionary supreme leader in the Iranian revolutionary guards, mullah Zolnour, warned that if Ahmadinejad’s behaviour with entourage does not change, it may lead to his removal.

Mullah Zolnour, whose statement was published on August 6th in the state-run media Jahan News, said: if Ahamdinejad tries to nod the diversion flow to the government, and the regime (system) tries to deal with the diversion, it will be considered as dealing with the government.
 It may result in challenges in which the parliament and related agencies deal with the situation which may result in government resignation.

This member of Valiye Faghieh (Supreme Leader) faction, in response to Ahamadinejad’s statement “the cabinet is the red line”, said: No one enters the cabinet with insurance, and it is not in the president’s dignity to say that whoever enters the cabinet is immune (protected); God unwanted whether or not he is a thief, a murderer or a spy and say it is the red line. So red line has no legal basis or legitimacy.