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Camp Ashraf in the spotlight of the Italian Parliament

NCRI – On July 6, Maryam Rajavi was the guest of a major conference in the Italian Parliament. The majority of both Italian houses called for the protection of Ashraf residents. 1500 Italian mayors have also supported the Iranian resistance. The conference led to many interventions. Here are the highlights:

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI):
Ashraf protection not only serves the interests of the Iranian people, but also the interest of the region and the world. It provides a way to oppose the biggest threat to the Iranian community, the Iranian regime.


Emma Bonino, Vice-President of Italian Senate:
It is clear that the issue of Ashraf is political. There is no technical difficulty to provide protection and save the lives of 3400 residents.

Patrick Kennedy, member of U.S. Congress, son of Senator Edward Kennedy:
How absurd it is to have Iran and the United States calling for the dispersion of Ashraf Residence at the same time? We need to fix this.

Robert Torricelli, former U.S. Senator:
If at this critical moment, America is wrong and does not assume its responsibilities, is it not the time for the Italian people, their parliament and prime minister to lead rather than follow?

Ciccioli Carlo, Italian MEP, co-chair of the Committee of Parliamentarian and Citizens for a free Iran:
The majority of the Italian parliament support the solution proposed by the European Parliament for Ashraf.

Elisabetta Zamparutti, Italian MEP, co-chair of the Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for a free Iran:
The displacement of  of Ashraf residents in Iraq that Maliki seeks for a long time, which is supported by  the U.S. Ambassador, should not take place.

Lucio Malan, Italian Senator:
I hope Ambassador Jeffrey  withdraw his comments about moving Ashraf residents in Iraq  because they are unacceptable.

Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International (2001-2009):
How Ashraf residents can rely on the Iraqi government to provide protection and assistance in another point of Iraq when the Iraqi government could not protect them in Camp Ashraf.

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance:
The killing of Ashraf residents on 8 April, a crime that could have been avoided, is one of the serious consequences of irresponsible policy of western countries, particularly the United States, toward the Iranian regime. The continuation of this policy is reflected in the silence and inaction toward inhumane blockade of Ashraf by the Iraqi government that is the issue of an injured human tragedy.
The ultimatum dictated by the mullahs to close Ashraf, paving the way for a new disaster, and the irresponsibility of the United States, despite their legal obligations vis-à-vis Ashraf, allows the dictatorship in Iran and its Iraqi agents set the stage for more attacks.

Forbearing from publishing report of Ashraf delegation visit after the massacre of April 8, the Iraqi government’s opposition to  European Parliament and U.S. Congress delegations’ visit of Ashraf to investigate the crime, and discussing unlawful and unworkable idea of a forced displacement of Mojahedin of Ashraf in Iraq, in practice feeds the killing machine of the clerical regime and the Iraqi government.

Any plan that does not guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents, especially in terms of displacement within Iraq, falls into the misleading trap of the mullahs’ regime and its subservient government in Iraq, and paves the way for a greater disaster.

But when the primary objective becomes protection against the danger of massacre and extermination, the perspective of various solutions for Ashraf arises.
The plan of the European Parliament and international credibility and support of various parliaments, including two Italian houses of Parliament and Senate, while having a permanent peaceful solution, provides short-term guarantee for the protection of Ashraf residents .

But the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government try to put obstacles to the plan directly or indirectly; The Iranian regime gives only two options to Ashraf, surrender or annihilate. They support displacement (of Ashraf residents) within Iraq as it facilitates their massacre.

Allow me to address the problem of the wounded and sick Ashraf residents who are currently deprived of access to medical care, and are victims of the Iraqi government’s will to finish them in a slow suffering.

For three months I deploy all my efforts for the wounded Ashraf. I have repeatedly requested the assistance of the U.N.; I repeatedly asked the U.S. government to transfer the wounded to their military hospital near Ashraf.

Of all injuries, only 93 (27%) had access to Iraqi hospitals. But they were sent to Ashraf without having received comprehensive care, and the U.S. admitted seven of them for medical care in their military establishment.

I have no doubt that if there had been a free access to medical care, today many of them would not be dead, including Saba Haft-Baradaran, Behrouz Sabet, Bahman Atigh, Hadjian Mansour, Mohammad Reza Majid Pirzada and Ebadian.

After three months, due to lack of care, some injured have become disabled. Experts have warned that these disabilities will develop and grow, because the Iraqi government imposed a medical blockade. Their goal is to eliminate all members of the Resistance, whether in Ashraf or anywhere else.

Amid these tensions, I am hopeful in the humanism of the Italians. We urge the European Union and the United States to take a humanitarian initiative for Ashraf. A realistic and within reach action, for the transition period, is to install a team of UN observers in Ashraf whose protection would be borne by the United States and the European Union according to their international commitments.
The protection of Ashraf is not only in the interest of the Iranian people, but also in the interest of the region and the world, so that by this means speak out against todays world’s greatest threat, that is the Iranian regime.

Emma Bonino, Vice President of the Italian Senate:
It is clear that this is a political issue. There is no technical problem at all to save the life or protect 3400 people. Thanks God, the international community has the experience and know how. The protection of Ashraf may well be by a permanent team of UN in Ashraf. I assure you that when we start to do so, solutions will emerge. When we decide to do so, we will be able to do so. The issue is entirely political. They do not want to act for the protection and the protection rights of 3,500 people, as this can irritate the powers near and far.
Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International (2001-2009):
Camp Ashraf is a bomb ticking humanitarian crisis about to explode. How many times have we heard? Since U.S. troops handed over responsibility for the camp (protection) to Iraqi authorities in 2009, the countdown is triggered. This is a collective shame that the international community has only has only wishful thinking to issues when lives are in danger. In addition to all the threats, risks and fears that the residents of Camp Ashraf have suffered so far, there is now concern that they may be displaced in Iraq. People are not commodities that can move against their will. A forced relocation increases the risk of deaths and injuries. We do not know where people go in Iraq or who will care for them. How people could they trust the Iraqi government to provide protection and assistance elsewhere in Iraq when the government failed to protect them in Camp Ashraf, which is in the spotlight every day.
Patrick Kennedy, member of U.S. Congress, son of Senator Edward Kennedy:
No dictatorship can last. The question is how long we will let them survive, will we facilitate the commission of such crimes against humanity in Iran and now Nouri al-Malaki wants to disperse the residents of Ashraf? I’m sorry to say that it is the policy of the United States to support the Iranian mullahs. How absurd it is to have Iran and the United States calling for the dispersion of the inhabitants of Ashraf at the same time? We need to fix this. Rome and Italy have a chance to lead and America now has a chance to follow you, just as the United States have often taken the lead in the story. This may be our turn to take Italy for the cause of freedom.
Robert Torricelli, former U.S. Senator:
At the end of the day, what the people of Camp Ashraf really ask? Why are they out in the street? What people are asking? They want to live. If at this very moment the United States are wrong and do not fulfill its responsibilities, and if the French and Germans are lagging behind in fulfilling their responsibilities, is this enough to the consciences of Italy? Is is not a time when the Italian people, parliament, and prime minister can take the lead rather than follow? There are no more decent people on the face of the Earth, with a culture more loving and welcoming than the Italian people. I beg you, open your arms and your hearts, help us for the sick and dying and waiting, while the others take their place and speak for freedom in Iran.

Lucio Malan, Secretary of the Senate President:
I am happily charged to present to Mrs. Rajavi a statement signed by the majority of Senate, 166 senators, in support of Camp Ashraf which is so unjustly subjected to injustice, an injustice that violates all international laws and must bring out our solidarity and support.

Ciccioli Carlo, Italian MEP, co-chair of the Committee of Parliamentarian and Citizens for a free Iran:
Our parliamentary committee has so far gained the support of 318 MPs out of 630, which means the majority. Thus, the majority of the Italian Parliament from all political groups, expressed support in a statement. This statement also considers the recognition of the movement supported by President Maryam Rajavi and emphasizes the protection of Camp Ashraf in Iraq. We support the solution proposed by the European Parliament on the precondition of the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Camp Ashraf and demand for protection by the UN with the support of the U.S. and the European Union. We also announce our request for  immediate initiative by the UN, the EU and the U.S. to save the lives of the wounded in Ashraf.

Elisabetta Zamparutti, Italian MEP, co-chair of the Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for a free Iran:
I would like to thank President Maryam Rajavi for her presence in Italy, and I hope our initiative will help you in your struggle. I would like to thank her for her perseverance and tenacity in the struggle that also give us energy to all.
The question of support for Ashraf makes us think about ourselves and our democracy. The relocation of Ashraf in Iraq mentioned by Nouri al-Maliki for a while and also supported by the U.S. Ambassador should not occur. I hope that these statements (of relocation) will be canceled and revised as they absolutely oppose the international law.

Alessandro Pagano, vice president of the Budget Committee of the House:
Everyone talks about the danger of Iran because it produces an atomic bomb, because of terrorism, tyranny, and repression; but no one can understand how Ashraf is much more important than all this. It is clear that the Iranian regime is focused on the destruction of this major thorn in her side, and we know very well that violate the sacred principles of the Geneva Convention. It sets a dangerous precedent because it is now in Ashraf, and tomorrow who knows where and when?
Massimo Vannucci, Member of Italian Parliament:
The Italian Parliament confirms your fight and supports the Iranian spring, happened before the Arab spring. Italy, along with the European Union must be at the forefront to solve the problems of Ashraf. Problems that really are a disgrace to humanity.
Marco Perduca, Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights of the Senate:
Emma Bonino spoke to a certain degree of international laws that apply to residents of Camp Ashraf and the fact that the rights under the fourth Geneva Convention must be respected.
The Italian Parliament has to include the issue of Ashraf in its bilateral relations with Iraq.

Antonio Razzi, Chairman of the Committee of European policy in the House:
It is clear that the Iranian regime, faced with internal crises, is trying to eliminate his opponents in Ashraf, while increasing internal repression. We must support this resistance. First and foremost, we must recognize the Iranian Resistance, represented by President Maryam Rajavi.
Souad Sbai, Member of Italian Parliament:
Discussions on Ashraf will be well undertaken by our colleagues. It’s part of our struggle, not just the struggle of Iranians, a struggle for civilization.