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Iranian regime’s continued obfuscation on nuclear file

Iranian regime’s continued obfuscation on nuclear fileVienna talks fail, no excuse for further delay in comprehensive Security Council sanctions

NCRI – On the eve of the IAEA Board of Governors meeting, the Iranian Resistance once again emphasizes that any further delay in imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime, can only serve to provide the regime with what it needs to produce a nuclear weapon, namely time.  The regime continues its deception and obfuscation on a massive scale in order to secure the time it needs.  The failed meeting with the EU3 this morning, which took place at the regime’s initiative, is an instance of such deception and delays.

In private, regime officials confess that, “When the West suspects that Iran has the bomb this will deter any action against us. In such case, the West will treat us with respect like North Korea. If we, however, show the least flexibility we will have to go to the finish and forfeit our rule and the state. “

Stressing the differences between their regime and the former Iraqi government, they state, “Iraq relied on Arab nationalism while Iran relies on Islam and this can cause a lot of trouble for the Americans because we have Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Central Asian countries.”

The clerical regime’s former Secretary of National Security Council, Mullah Hassan Rohani, who was also the regime’s lead negotiator during the 2003-2005 talks with the EU-3, uncovered some of the regime’s deceptions in a November 2005 speech in a meeting of the Cultural Revolution Council. 

The speech, printed recently in the Fall 2005 issue of Rahbord magazine, published by Center for Strategic Research of the regime’s Expediency Council, was described as revelation of state secrets by opposing factions.

Rohani stresses in his speech that the whole story started with the summer 2002 revelations of the regime’s secret nuclear activities.  “About the discovery of Natanz there were many issues including the involvement of the Monafeqin (Mojahedin – PMOI). They collected intelligence from various sources… They had photographed the facility and were collecting intelligence.”

Rohani confessed in his speech that since the clerical regime was not aware of the talks between the US-UK and Libya, they did not reveal information about the P2 centrifuges and this “resulted in substantial damage in the trust between us and the Europeans.” He added, “The Americans told the Europeans from the beginning that the Iranians are lying and what has been revealed is only part of the file. The Europeans replied that we have trusted them.”  Rohani added that the P2 matter is not yet finished and “their question is how and when did we purchase the P2 design and what else have we purchased and where was the P2 workshop?”

Rohani explicitly states that we did not give precise information about the middlemen and “we have not even mentioned Pakistan anywhere yet.  We have said that we bought from some middleman.  We even told them that our original middleman was a European.  They asked what nationality did this Mr. Taher who you dealt with have.  We replied to them that this person’s features resembled people from the subcontinent.”

“We need an opportunity to develop our potential into a reality,” Rohani concluded. “If we ever manage to complete the nuclear fuel cycle, the world will be faced with a fait accompli, and everything will be different.”

The failure of talks in Moscow, and the failure of the latest talks with the EU3, and the mullahs’ continuous obfuscation and deceit, which has been noted several times in the IAEA report as well, make further delays in the imposition of comprehensive sanctions unjustifiable, and will only aid the ruling fundamentalists and terrorists in Iran, to arm themselves with a nuclear bomb.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 3, 2006