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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIntensified suppression and executions signal unprecedented crackdown in Iran

Intensified suppression and executions signal unprecedented crackdown in Iran

Intensified suppression and executions signal unprecedented crackdown in IranReferral of Iran’s human rights dossier to the Security Council is urgent

The Iranian regime publicly hanged two opponents, Ali Afravi and Mehdi Navaseri, yesterday, for alleged bombing in the southern city of Ahwaz.

A crowd consisting of members of the Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary Basij forces gathered at the scene of the execution and chanted rhetoric against the US, UK and the Israel, according to a report. The trial of the two prisoners did not meet minimum international standards.

The Iranian regime also hanged a 22 year-old man last week in Meshkin-Shahr (northwestern Iran). Also a 24 year-old was executed in Ghazwin prison. An official of state security forces confirmed the execution of another prisoner identified only by his initials M.A. in Now-Shahr (northern Iran).

On February 28, Ajlal Aghvami, who was arrested last summer during the Kurdestan uprisings, was executed for alleged “Corruption on Earth!”
The clerical regime’s media reported on March 1st that six men identified only by their first names Kheirollah, Golam, Ebrahim, Javad, Vali and Mohammed-Reza were given death sentences by the regime’s Judiciary.  

Ruz, a state-run daily, reported that last month, the regime’s Judiciary issued more than 30 death sentences. 

The mullah’s regime has dramatically escalated the wave of executions during recent days in Iran on the eve of its referral to the UN Security Council in an effort to stem rising public demonstrations and uprisings.

The Iranian regime, following the execution of a member of the Iranian Resistance and People’s Mojahedin Organization, Hojjat Zamani, has moved most political prisoners to solitary cells where their fate is unknown.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the UN Security Council, Human Rights Commission, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and all human rights organizations to the increasing trend of executions in Iran.
The Iranian Resistance also urges the referral of Iran’s human rights dossier to the UN Security Council for immediate action to stop mass executions of political prisoners in Iran

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 03, 2006